A stack based vm for the Helix compiler
Still WIP but in the future this is serve as a backend for Helix so that Helix can be embedded as a scripting language
@0 = 123
@1 = 456
push @0
push @1
Note: As of now, text format compilation is not implemented yet. To generate code, use the builder API
You can define your own functions with the signature fn func_name(vm: &mut VM<T>, args: &[usize])
pub fn push(vm: &mut VM<isize>, args: &[usize]) {
let arg = *vm.get_data(args[0]);
pub fn add(vm: &mut VM<isize>, _: &[usize]) {
let rhs = vm.operand_pop();
let lhs = vm.operand_pop();
vm.operand_push(lhs + rhs);
pub fn instruction_table() -> InstructionTable<isize> {
let mut it = InstructionTable::new();
it.insert(Instruction::new(0, "push", 1, push));
it.insert(Instruction::new(1, "add", 0, add));
pub fn build_program(it: &InstructionTable<isize>) -> Code<isize> {
let mut builder = Builder::new(&it);
builder.push("push", vec![2]);
builder.push("push", vec![3]);
builder.push("add", vec![]);
fn main() {
let it = instruction_table();
let code = build_program(&it);
let mut vm = VM::new(code, &it);
let result = vm.operand_pop();
println!("Result of program: {result}");