This project is part of the Udacity data analysis nanodegree
In this project, I am investigating Ford GoBike System Data dataset, assessing the data for quality and tidiness issues, cleaning the data and visualizing insights.
You can check the notebook as HTML file below
You can check a slideshow with the main findings below
This data set includes information about individual rides made in a bike-sharing system covering the greater San Francisco Bay area.
To create a new environment using conda.
conda create --name NEWENVNAME --file conda.txt
To create a new environment using pip.
python3 -m venv ENVNAME source ENVNAME/bin/activate pip install -r pip.txt
To view the notebook as ipynb run the command below from terminal after navigating to the project directory.
jupyter notebookA new tab will open in your browser, click on the Investigate_a_Dataset.ipynb notebook to open it.