The geocoder helps to determine the coordinates of an object by its address or, conversely, to set the address by its coordinates.
- Direct geocoding. Used to determine coordinates by object name or address. The API takes into account common misprints and offers several suitable variants. For example, you can convert a user-specified address into coordinates.
- Reverse geocoding. It is used to determine the address of an object by its coordinates. For example, you can select the nearest house on the map and get its name.
- Choosing the type of toponym you need.
- Restrict the search to a specified area.
- Answer language and regional features of the map.
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
yandex_geocoder: 2.3.1
To work you will need Api Key, a key to work with Yandex API. It can be obtained in the personal account of developer.
final YandexGeocoder geocoder = YandexGeocoder(apiKey: 'Your Api Key');
final GeocodeResponse geocodeFromPoint = await geocoder.getGeocode(ReverseGeocodeRequest(
pointGeocode: (55.771899,37.597576),
lang: Lang.enEn,
final GeocodeResponse geocodeFromAddress = await geocoder.getGeocode(DirectGeocodeRequest(
addressGeocode: 'Moscow, 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, 7',
lang: Lang.enEn,
The Example is in the corresponding folder