A Duo Project Using PHP, MySQL and HTML and CSS
first.php is the home page.
Title: ICT Voting Portal Objectives:
- A secure voting system for Voters(Students) of ICT departments in particular time and result in the End.
- Dean(Super-Admin) can handle the voting process and HODs(Admins) can track the voting process.
Major Functionalities:
- Voter SignUp facility
- Voting allowed for a particular time period
- Voters can vote only in his/her own Department and Year
- Voters can see the Result at the end of the Voting hours
- Super-Admin (Dean) can manage the voting hours
- Super-Admin(Dean) can disqualify any candidate(s).
- Admin(HOD) can track the total votes of any candidate at any time Impact:
- The college/university can organize a secure and transparent voting system for the students.