Cross platform tool for detecting lack of free disk space and alerting via email. Useful when you need to monitor free disk space and you don't want to install large monitoring system such as Zabix
, NetXms
To configure tool edit file config.yml
. All configuring details described below:
# Period of alerting in minutes. A small value may increase alert frequency
AlertPeriodMin: 10
# Name of machine where app is running. Used to identify machine in alert notification.
MachineName: MS SQL Prod machine (SCWS120)
# Configuration of monitored devices
# Example. To add new drive copy this section and change value
# Deice name (C, D, etc)
- DeviceName: C
# Threshold value of free disk space when app will alerting
ThresholdValue: 10
# Define how app will detect lack of free disk space.
# You can specify an exact threshold (Accuracy), or you can specify a percentage (Percentage) of the maximum disk size
TriggerMode: Accuracy
# Allowed values: Bytes, KB, MB and GB
MeasurementUnit: GB
- DeviceName: C
ThresholdValue: 10
TriggerMode: Accuracy
MeasurementUnit: GB
- DeviceName: D
ThresholdValue: 0.1
TriggerMode: Percentage
MeasurementUnit: GB
# Configuration of Email alert. Specify email params and Recipients of alert
Host: smtp server address
Port: port of smrpt server
Email: [email protected]
Password: your_password
EnableSsl: true
- [email protected]
To run tool you need install dotnet core 2.1
Tool can be run as console and as service.
To run as console type in CLI
next command:
dotnet fsa.dll
To run as service you need to pass argument --service
or -s
To run at Windows use scs
sc.exe create FDSA binPath= "dotnet %AppDir%\fdsa.dll -s" DisplayName="Free Disk Space Alert"
To run at Ubuntu use systemd
. Example unit file:
Description=Free Disk Space Alert
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet %AppDir%/fdsa.dll -s
# Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes:
All logs stores at %AppDir%\logs
. There are three type of logs:
: contains informational message, warning and exception message without details.error.log
: contains only exceptions. If something went wrong, loot at this log.trace.log
: contains detailed info about tool life. You can disable this log by changingNLong.config
Logs are archived every day and placed in %AppDir%\logs\archive
To disable tracing comment line in rules
section in NLog.config
<logger name="*" level="Trace" writeTo="traceFile" final="true" />