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johnjcamilleri authored and Meowyam committed Jul 6, 2021
1 parent d53e171 commit dff1193
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Showing 2 changed files with 120 additions and 104 deletions.
120 changes: 65 additions & 55 deletions src/compiler/GF/Compile/PGFtoHaskell.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-- Stability : (stable)
-- Portability : (portable)
-- > CVS $Date: 2005/06/17 12:39:07 $
-- > CVS $Date: 2005/06/17 12:39:07 $
-- > CVS $Author: bringert $
-- > CVS $Revision: 1.8 $
Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import PGF.Internal
import GF.Data.Operations
import GF.Infra.Option

import Data.List --(isPrefixOf, find, intersperse)
import Data.List(isPrefixOf,find,intercalate,intersperse,groupBy,sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

type Prefix = String -> String
Expand All @@ -34,11 +34,12 @@ grammar2haskell :: Options
-> PGF
-> String
grammar2haskell opts name gr = foldr (++++) [] $
pragmas ++ haskPreamble gadt name derivingClause extraImports ++
pragmas ++ haskPreamble gadt name derivingClause (extraImports ++ pgfImports) ++
[types, gfinstances gId lexical gr'] ++ compos
where gr' = hSkeleton gr
gadt = haskellOption opts HaskellGADT
dataExt = haskellOption opts HaskellData
pgf2 = haskellOption opts HaskellPGF2
lexical cat = haskellOption opts HaskellLexical && isLexicalCat opts cat
gId | haskellOption opts HaskellNoPrefix = rmForbiddenChars
| otherwise = ("G"++) . rmForbiddenChars
Expand All @@ -50,21 +51,23 @@ grammar2haskell opts name gr = foldr (++++) [] $
| dataExt = "deriving (Show,Data)"
| otherwise = "deriving Show"
extraImports | gadt = ["import Control.Monad.Identity",
"import Data.Monoid"]
extraImports | gadt = ["import Control.Monad.Identity", "import Data.Monoid"]
| dataExt = ["import Data.Data"]
| otherwise = []
pgfImports | pgf2 = ["import PGF2 hiding (Tree)", "", "showCId :: CId -> String", "showCId = id"]
| otherwise = ["import PGF hiding (Tree)"]
types | gadt = datatypesGADT gId lexical gr'
| otherwise = datatypes gId derivingClause lexical gr'
compos | gadt = prCompos gId lexical gr' ++ composClass
| otherwise = []

haskPreamble gadt name derivingClause extraImports =
haskPreamble :: Bool -> String -> String -> [String] -> [String]
haskPreamble gadt name derivingClause imports =
"module " ++ name ++ " where",
] ++ extraImports ++ [
"import PGF hiding (Tree)",
] ++ imports ++ [
"-- automatic translation from GF to Haskell",
Expand All @@ -85,10 +88,11 @@ haskPreamble gadt name derivingClause extraImports =

predefInst :: Bool -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String
predefInst gadt derivingClause gtyp typ destr consr =
(if gadt
then []
else ("newtype" +++ gtyp +++ "=" +++ gtyp +++ typ +++ derivingClause ++ "\n\n")
else "newtype" +++ gtyp +++ "=" +++ gtyp +++ typ +++ derivingClause ++ "\n\n"
"instance Gf" +++ gtyp +++ "where" ++++
Expand All @@ -103,10 +107,10 @@ type OIdent = String
type HSkeleton = [(OIdent, [(OIdent, [OIdent])])]

datatypes :: Prefix -> DerivingClause -> (OIdent -> Bool) -> (String,HSkeleton) -> String
datatypes gId derivingClause lexical = (foldr (+++++) "") . (filter (/="")) . (map (hDatatype gId derivingClause lexical)) . snd
datatypes gId derivingClause lexical = foldr (+++++) "" . filter (/="") . map (hDatatype gId derivingClause lexical) . snd

gfinstances :: Prefix -> (OIdent -> Bool) -> (String,HSkeleton) -> String
gfinstances gId lexical (m,g) = (foldr (+++++) "") $ (filter (/="")) $ (map (gfInstance gId lexical m)) g
gfinstances gId lexical (m,g) = foldr (+++++) "" $ filter (/="") $ map (gfInstance gId lexical m) g

hDatatype :: Prefix -> DerivingClause -> (OIdent -> Bool) -> (OIdent, [(OIdent, [OIdent])]) -> String
Expand All @@ -131,16 +135,17 @@ nonLexicalRules True rules = [r | r@(f,t) <- rules, not (null t)]
lexicalConstructor :: OIdent -> String
lexicalConstructor cat = "Lex" ++ cat

predefTypeSkel :: HSkeleton
predefTypeSkel = [(c,[]) | c <- ["String", "Int", "Float"]]

-- GADT version of data types
datatypesGADT :: Prefix -> (OIdent -> Bool) -> (String,HSkeleton) -> String
datatypesGADT gId lexical (_,skel) = unlines $
datatypesGADT gId lexical (_,skel) = unlines $
concatMap (hCatTypeGADT gId) (skel ++ predefTypeSkel) ++
"data Tree :: * -> * where"
] ++
] ++
concatMap (map (" "++) . hDatatypeGADT gId lexical) skel ++
" GString :: String -> Tree GString_",
Expand All @@ -164,23 +169,23 @@ hCatTypeGADT gId (cat,rules)
"data"+++gId cat++"_"]

hDatatypeGADT :: Prefix -> (OIdent -> Bool) -> (OIdent, [(OIdent, [OIdent])]) -> [String]
hDatatypeGADT gId lexical (cat, rules)
hDatatypeGADT gId lexical (cat, rules)
| isListCat (cat,rules) = [gId cat+++"::"+++"["++gId (elemCat cat)++"]" +++ "->" +++ t]
| otherwise =
[ gId f +++ "::" +++ concatMap (\a -> gId a +++ "-> ") args ++ t
[ gId f +++ "::" +++ concatMap (\a -> gId a +++ "-> ") args ++ t
| (f,args) <- nonLexicalRules (lexical cat) rules ]
++ if lexical cat then [lexicalConstructor cat +++ ":: String ->"+++ t] else []
where t = "Tree" +++ gId cat ++ "_"

hEqGADT :: Prefix -> (OIdent -> Bool) -> (OIdent, [(OIdent, [OIdent])]) -> [String]
hEqGADT gId lexical (cat, rules)
| isListCat (cat,rules) = let r = listr cat in ["(" ++ patt "x" r ++ "," ++ patt "y" r ++ ") -> " ++ listeqs]
| isListCat (cat,rules) = let r = listr cat in ["(" ++ patt "x" r ++ "," ++ patt "y" r ++ ") -> " ++ listeqs]
| otherwise = ["(" ++ patt "x" r ++ "," ++ patt "y" r ++ ") -> " ++ eqs r | r <- nonLexicalRules (lexical cat) rules]
++ if lexical cat then ["(" ++ lexicalConstructor cat +++ "x" ++ "," ++ lexicalConstructor cat +++ "y" ++ ") -> x == y"] else []

patt s (f,xs) = unwords (gId f : mkSVars s (length xs))
eqs (_,xs) = unwords ("and" : "[" : intersperse "," [x ++ " == " ++ y |
eqs (_,xs) = unwords ("and" : "[" : intersperse "," [x ++ " == " ++ y |
(x,y) <- zip (mkSVars "x" (length xs)) (mkSVars "y" (length xs)) ] ++ ["]"])
listr c = (c,["foo"]) -- foo just for length = 1
listeqs = "and [x == y | (x,y) <- zip x1 y1]"
Expand All @@ -189,25 +194,26 @@ prCompos :: Prefix -> (OIdent -> Bool) -> (String,HSkeleton) -> [String]
prCompos gId lexical (_,catrules) =
["instance Compos Tree where",
" compos r a f t = case t of"]
[" " ++ prComposCons (gId f) xs | (c,rs) <- catrules, not (isListCat (c,rs)),
(f,xs) <- rs, not (null xs)]
(f,xs) <- rs, not (null xs)]
[" " ++ prComposCons (gId c) ["x1"] | (c,rs) <- catrules, isListCat (c,rs)]
[" _ -> r t"]
prComposCons f xs = let vs = mkVars (length xs) in
prComposCons f xs = let vs = mkVars (length xs) in
f +++ unwords vs +++ "->" +++ rhs f (zip vs xs)
rhs f vcs = "r" +++ f +++ unwords (map (prRec f) vcs)
prRec f (v,c)
prRec f (v,c)
| isList f = "`a` foldr (a . a (r (:)) . f) (r [])" +++ v
| otherwise = "`a`" +++ "f" +++ v
isList f = (gId "List") `isPrefixOf` f
isList f = gId "List" `isPrefixOf` f

gfInstance :: Prefix -> (OIdent -> Bool) -> String -> (OIdent, [(OIdent, [OIdent])]) -> String
gfInstance gId lexical m crs = hInstance gId lexical m crs ++++ fInstance gId lexical m crs

hInstance :: (String -> String) -> (String -> Bool) -> String -> (String, [(OIdent, [OIdent])]) -> String
----hInstance m ("Cn",_) = "" --- seems to belong to an old applic. AR 18/5/2004
hInstance gId _ m (cat,[]) = unlines [
"instance Show" +++ gId cat,
Expand All @@ -216,15 +222,15 @@ hInstance gId _ m (cat,[]) = unlines [
" gf _ = undefined",
" fg _ = undefined"
hInstance gId lexical m (cat,rules)
hInstance gId lexical m (cat,rules)
| isListCat (cat,rules) =
"instance Gf" +++ gId cat +++ "where" ++++
" gf (" ++ gId cat +++ "[" ++ concat (intersperse "," baseVars) ++ "])"
" gf (" ++ gId cat +++ "[" ++ intercalate "," baseVars ++ "])"
+++ "=" +++ mkRHS ("Base"++ec) baseVars ++++
" gf (" ++ gId cat +++ "(x:xs)) = "
++ mkRHS ("Cons"++ec) ["x",prParenth (gId cat+++"xs")]
" gf (" ++ gId cat +++ "(x:xs)) = "
++ mkRHS ("Cons"++ec) ["x",prParenth (gId cat+++"xs")]
-- no show for GADTs
-- ++++ " gf (" ++ gId cat +++ "xs) = error (\"Bad " ++ cat ++ " value: \" ++ show xs)"
-- ++++ " gf (" ++ gId cat +++ "xs) = error (\"Bad " ++ cat ++ " value: \" ++ show xs)"
| otherwise =
"instance Gf" +++ gId cat +++ "where\n" ++
unlines ([mkInst f xx | (f,xx) <- nonLexicalRules (lexical cat) rules]
Expand All @@ -233,19 +239,22 @@ hInstance gId lexical m (cat,rules)
ec = elemCat cat
baseVars = mkVars (baseSize (cat,rules))
mkInst f xx = let xx' = mkVars (length xx) in " gf " ++
(if length xx == 0 then gId f else prParenth (gId f +++ foldr1 (+++) xx')) +++
(if null xx then gId f else prParenth (gId f +++ foldr1 (+++) xx')) +++
"=" +++ mkRHS f xx'
mkRHS f vars = "mkApp (mkCId \"" ++ f ++ "\")" +++
"[" ++ prTList ", " ["gf" +++ x | x <- vars] ++ "]"
mkRHS f vars = "mkApp (mkCId \"" ++ f ++ "\")" +++
"[" ++ prTList ", " ["gf" +++ x | x <- vars] ++ "]"

mkVars :: Int -> [String]
mkVars = mkSVars "x"

mkSVars :: String -> Int -> [String]
mkSVars s n = [s ++ show i | i <- [1..n]]

----fInstance m ("Cn",_) = "" ---
fInstance _ _ m (cat,[]) = ""
fInstance gId lexical m (cat,rules) =
" fg t =" ++++
(if isList
(if isList
then " " ++ gId cat ++ " (fgs t) where\n fgs t = case unApp t of"
else " case unApp t of") ++++
unlines [mkInst f xx | (f,xx) <- nonLexicalRules (lexical cat) rules] ++++
Expand All @@ -257,27 +266,28 @@ fInstance gId lexical m (cat,rules) =
" Just (i," ++
"[" ++ prTList "," xx' ++ "])" +++
"| i == mkCId \"" ++ f ++ "\" ->" +++ mkRHS f xx'
where xx' = ["x" ++ show i | (_,i) <- zip xx [1..]]
mkRHS f vars
| isList =
if "Base" `isPrefixOf` f
then "[" ++ prTList ", " [ "fg" +++ x | x <- vars ] ++ "]"
else "fg" +++ (vars !! 0) +++ ":" +++ "fgs" +++ (vars !! 1)
| otherwise =
gId f +++
prTList " " [prParenth ("fg" +++ x) | x <- vars]
xx' = ["x" ++ show i | (_,i) <- zip xx [1..]]
mkRHS f vars
| isList =
if "Base" `isPrefixOf` f
then "[" ++ prTList ", " [ "fg" +++ x | x <- vars ] ++ "]"
else "fg" +++ (vars !! 0) +++ ":" +++ "fgs" +++ (vars !! 1)
| otherwise =
gId f +++
prTList " " [prParenth ("fg" +++ x) | x <- vars]

--type HSkeleton = [(OIdent, [(OIdent, [OIdent])])]
hSkeleton :: PGF -> (String,HSkeleton)
hSkeleton gr =
(showCId (absname gr),
let fs =
[(showCId c, [(showCId f, map showCId cs) | (f, (cs,_)) <- fs]) |
hSkeleton gr =
(showCId (absname gr),
let fs =
[(showCId c, [(showCId f, map showCId cs) | (f, (cs,_)) <- fs]) |
fs@((_, (_,c)):_) <- fns]
in fs ++ [(sc, []) | c <- cts, let sc = showCId c, notElem sc (["Int", "Float", "String"] ++ map fst fs)]
in fs ++ [(sc, []) | c <- cts, let sc = showCId c, sc `notElem` (["Int", "Float", "String"] ++ map fst fs)]
cts = Map.keys (cats (abstract gr))
cts = Map.keys (cats (abstract gr))
fns = groupBy valtypg (sortBy valtyps (map jty (Map.assocs (funs (abstract gr)))))
valtyps (_, (_,x)) (_, (_,y)) = compare x y
valtypg (_, (_,x)) (_, (_,y)) = x == y
Expand All @@ -291,9 +301,10 @@ updateSkeleton cat skel rule =
isListCat :: (OIdent, [(OIdent, [OIdent])]) -> Bool
isListCat (cat,rules) = "List" `isPrefixOf` cat && length rules == 2
&& ("Base"++c) `elem` fs && ("Cons"++c) `elem` fs
where c = elemCat cat
fs = map fst rules
&& ("Base"++c) `elem` fs && ("Cons"++c) `elem` fs
c = elemCat cat
fs = map fst rules

-- | Gets the element category of a list category.
elemCat :: OIdent -> OIdent
Expand All @@ -310,7 +321,7 @@ baseSize (_,rules) = length bs
where Just (_,bs) = find (("Base" `isPrefixOf`) . fst) rules

composClass :: [String]
composClass =
composClass =
"class Compos t where",
Expand All @@ -337,4 +348,3 @@ composClass =
"newtype C b a = C { unC :: b }"


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