i18n-enum-val-check# Maven Plugin :: i18n-enum-val-check This Plugin will Checks that whether the enum values/constants have corresponding entries in the messages.properties file or not.
Ensuring all enum values have corresponding i18n codes in the messages.properties files.
Ensuring all enum values have corresponding i18n codes in the messages.properties files.
To use this, Include the below in your project plugins section of pom.xml
<pkg>your project base package</pkg>
<msgPropertiesPath> your messages.properties file path</msgPropertiesPath>
pkg : Name of the Java Package contains all the enum Classes * Default value : No Default value * Mandatory : Mandatory * Description : Name of the Java Package contains all the enum Classes * Example : com.merusphere.dao.model
msgPropertiesPath : Path of the messages.properties file * Default value : No Default value * Mandatory : Mandatory * Description : Name of the messages.properties file * Example : messages.properties
Note : This PlugIn runs as part of the Maven Phase: compile If you want to fire it, use the Goal : i18n-enum-val-check
mvn clean compile
mvn clean install
Please follow the below steps to set up the Development Environment in your system
- Open JDK 11
- Maven
- pgp latest version
- PGP Private and Public Keys. Get these keys from the github repository Development environment set up instructions can be found at Github Repo
- Project environment should be Open JDK 11
Checkout the code from i18n-enum-val-check
- Checkout the GPG/PGP Keys from the Github Repo and import into the local system
Please refer to https://github.com/MeruSphereOss/mvn-plugin-i18n-enum-val-check/releases
Please report all the issues to Github issues https://github.com/MeruSphereOss/mvn-plugin-i18n-enum-val-check/issues
Please finish your development and create branch then Please crate a Github Issue at Gitub issues https://github.com/MeruSphereOss/mvn-plugin-i18n-enum-val-check/issues with the feature details & branch details. One of the Maintainer will co-ordinate with you.