Data Reduction Pipeline for the SEDmachine. Please have a look at the pysedm paper.
works in python 2.7+ and 3.x, but the 2.7+ might not be supported in the future.
This project was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n°759194 - USNAC, PI: Rigault).
If you are using a SEDM spectrum obtained since July 2018 (incl.) please cite the pysedm paper
pip install pysedm
git pull
cd pysedm
python install
Basic installation detailed here enables you to:
- load, visualize and use pysedm product objects (spectra, cubes, but also calibration objects)
- extract spectra from cubes.
Here is are some examples to use pysedm
Say you have a cubefile name e3d_crr_date_fileid_ztfname.fits
import pysedm
# Load the cube
cube = pysedm.get_sedmcube('e3d_crr_date_fileid_ztfname.fits')
# See the cube and enable to clic on the cube to visualize spaxels:
what is going on? if you click on spaxels you see the spaxel spectra on the left. If you click once on "control" you will not replace the spectrum on the left but see new spaxel's spectra with a new color (colors match bewtween spaxel contours and spectra. Click once again on "control" to turns this off. If you drag your mouse on the IFU, the display spectrum will be the average of the rectangle defined by the draging. Click on "shift" to draw any polygon. Click again on "shift" to turns it off. Click on "option"and your dragging will define an aperture radius. Click on "escape" to clean everything switch back to original mode
You can directly display the cube without opening ipython by doing: e3d_crr_date_id_ztfname.fits
You want to manually extract a spectrum from a cube e3d_crr_date_fileid_ztfname.fits
is HH_MM_SS)
From your shell do (with date been YYYYMMDD): DATE --auto FILE_ID --display
what is going on? (1) double click to locate the expected centroid of the target (creating the black cross) and (2) click and "shift" and draw a countour avoiding the host. The contours should be a ~5 spaxels large if possible. Finally (3) close the window to launch the PSF extraction. This will happen in your terminal
Flux Calibration if you want your extracted spectra to be flux calibrated, you need to have a fluxcal
file in your DATE directory. You can also directly provide your favorite fluxcal file as an option to
: DATE --auto FILE_ID --display --tag manual --fluxcalsource your_favorite_fluxcal.fits
Some other important
- "--tag": provide a string, this string will be in the name. Useful to avoid overwriting existing files, i.e.
--tag host
- "--observer": Your name, this will be stored in the header as "OBSERVER"
- "--vmin", "--vmax": lower and upper values (in percent) of the MLA spaxel plot (
--vmax 80
to saturate the color at the 80% brightest spaxel signal)
creates several files (see *_auto_*crr_date_fileid_ztfname.fits
). Most interesting ones are:
: extracted spectrum with formats .fits or .txt (and figures in .png/.pdf) -
: figure showing the quality of the PSF extraction -
: figure showing the quality of the ADR (i.e. target centroid as a function of wavelength)
Starting with version 0.24.0
you can directly extract a point source from a SEDMCube
Simply do:
import pysedm
cube = pysedm.get_sedmcube(CUBE_FILEPATH)
cube.extract_pointsource() # runs extractstars creating a cube.extractstar
Then, to get the flux calibrated spectrum, do:
spectrum = cube.extractstar.get_fluxcalibrated_spectrum()
And to see the validation plots:
; centroid and spaxel usedcube.extractstar.show_adr()
; adr fit qualitycube.extractstar.show_psf()
; psf profile
See library details here
The following dependencies are automatically installed (if needed only):
numpy, scipy, matpotlib, astropy (basic anaconda)
propobject (pip install propobject) for the structure of the classes
pyifu (pip install pyifu or see cube and spectra object library
psfcube (pip install psfcube or see psfcube depends on Minuit (fitter) and modefit (structure), which are automatically installed if needed
See details here for additional dependencies you will need for full pipeline functionalities (like re-creating the wavelength solution etc.)