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CKEditor 5 mathematical feature

ckeditor5-math is a TeX-based mathematical plugin for CKEditor 5. You can use it to insert, edit, and view mathematical equations and formulas. This plugin supports MathJax, KaTeX and custom typesetting engines.

Table of contents


  • Written in TypeScript (as of v41.2.1)
  • DLL build support (as of v36.0.3)
  • TeX syntax
  • Inline and display equations
  • Preview view
  • Multiple typesetting engines
  • Have multiple input and output format
  • Paste support
    • from plain text
  • Autoformat support



Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


  • Use same major version as your CKEditor 5 build

If you get duplicated modules error, you have mismatching versions.


Link to examples repository


Use official classic or inline build as a base:

Install plugin with NPM or Yarn

npm install @multiverse-io/ckeditor5-math --save-dev

yarn add @multiverse-io/ckeditor5-math --dev

Add import into ckeditor.js file

import Math from '@multiverse-io/ckeditor5-math/src/math';
import AutoformatMath from '@multiverse-io/ckeditor5-math/src/autoformatmath';

Add it to built-in plugins

InlineEditor.builtinPlugins = [
	// ...

Add math button to toolbar

InlineEditor.defaultConfig = {
	toolbar: {
		items: [
			// ...

Styles for Lark theme

Copy theme/ckeditor5-math folder from to your lark theme repository

Using DLL builds

Use the official DLL build and additionally load the math plugin:

<script src="path/to/node_modules/@multiverse-io/ckeditor5-math/build/math.js"></script>
	.create(editorElement, {
		plugins: [

Configuration & Usage

Plugin options

InlineEditor.defaultConfig = {
	// ...
	math: {
		engine: 'mathjax', // or katex or function. E.g. (equation, element, display) => { ... }
		lazyLoad: undefined, // async () => { ... }, called once before rendering first equation if engine doesn't exist. After resolving promise, plugin renders equations.
		outputType: 'script', // or span
		className: 'math-tex', // class name to use with span output type, change e.g. MathJax processClass (v2) / processHtmlClass (v3) is set
		forceOutputType: false, // forces output to use outputType
		enablePreview: true, // Enable preview view
		previewClassName: [], // Class names to add to previews
		popupClassName: [], // Class names to add to math popup balloon
		katexRenderOptions: {}  // KaTeX only options for katex.render(ToString)

Available typesetting engines


  • Tested with latest 2.7
  • Has experimental (CHTML, SVG) support for 3.0.0 or newer version



  • Tested with version 0.12.0


  • katexRenderOptions - pass options.

    InlineEditor.defaultConfig = {
    	// ...
    	math: {
    		engine: 'katex'
    		katexRenderOptions: {
    			macros: {
    				"\\neq": "\\mathrel{\\char`≠}",

Custom typesetting

Custom typesetting is possible to implement with engine config. For example, custom typesetting feature can be used when use back end rendering.

InlineEditor.defaultConfig = {
	// ...
	math: {
		engine: ( equation, element, display, preview ) => {
			// ...
  • equation is equation in TeX format without delimiters.
  • element is DOM element reserved for rendering.
  • display is boolean. Typesetting should be inline when false.
  • preview is boolean. Rendering in preview when true.

Supported input and output formats

Supported input and output formats are:

<!-- MathJax style -->
<script type="math/tex">\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}</script>
<script type="math/tex; mode=display">\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}</script>

<!-- CKEditor 4 style -->
<span class="math-tex">\( \sqrt{\frac{a}{b}} \)</span>
<span class="math-tex">\[ \sqrt{\frac{a}{b}} \]</span>

Paste support

From plain text

Paste TeX equations with delimiters. For example:

\[ x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \]


\( x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \)

Autoformat support

Inline mode

Ctrl+M can be used to add easily math formulas in inline mode.

Display mode

Autoformat for math can be used to add formula in display mode on a new line by adding \[ or $$. This feature requires additional autoformat plugin to be added.

Add following lines into your build

// ...
import AutoformatMath from '@isaul32/ckeditor5-math/src/autoformatmath';

InlineEditor.builtinPlugins = [
	// ...

or use it with DLL build

<script src="path/to/node_modules/@isaul32/ckeditor5-math/build/math.js"></script>
	.create(editorElement, {
		plugins: [

Preview workaround

.ck-reset_all * css rules from ckeditor5-ui and ckeditor5-theme-lark break rendering in preview mode.

My solution for this is use rendering element outside of CKEditor DOM and place it to right place by using absolute position. Alternative solution could be using iframe, but then typesetting engine's scripts and styles have to copy to child document.


Contributions, improvements and bug fixes are welcome. To aid in this, try out our developer environment w/ live reload support and CKEditor 5 inspector.

Development environment

To enter a development loop with hot reload support:

  • git clone
  • cd ckeditor5-math
  • yarn
  • yarn start
  • http://localhost:8080

Available scripts

NPM scripts are a convenient way to provide commands in a project. They are defined in the package.json file and shared with people contributing to the project. It ensures developers use the same command with the same options (flags).

All the scripts can be executed by running yarn run <script>. Pre and post commands with matching names will be run for those as well.

The following scripts are available in the package.


Starts an HTTP server with the live-reload mechanism that allows previewing and testing of plugins available in the package.

When the server starts, the default browser will open the developer sample. This can be disabled by passing the --no-open option to that command.

You can also define the language that will translate the created editor by specifying the --language [LANG] option. It defaults to 'en'.


# Starts the server and open the browser.
yarn run start

# Disable auto-opening the browser.
yarn run start --no-open

# Create the editor with the interface in German.
yarn run start --language=de


Allows executing unit tests for the package, specified in the tests/ directory. The command accepts the following modifiers:

  • --coverage – to create the code coverage report,
  • --watch – to observe the source files (the command does not end after executing tests),
  • --source-map – to generate source maps of sources,
  • --verbose – to print additional webpack logs.


# Execute tests.
yarn run test

# Generate code coverage report after each change in the sources.
yarn run test --coverage --test


Runs ESLint, which analyzes the code (all *.ts files) to quickly find problems.


# Execute eslint.
yarn run lint


Similar to the lint task, stylelint analyzes the CSS code (*.css files in the theme/ directory) in the package.


# Execute stylelint.
yarn run stylelint


Creates npm and browser builds of your plugin. These builds can be added to the editor by following the Configuring CKEditor 5 features guide.


# Builds the `npm` and browser files thats are ready to publish.
npm run build:dist


Collects translation messages (arguments of the t() function) and context files, then validates whether the provided values do not interfere with the values specified in the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-core package.

The task may end with an error if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Found the Unused context error – entries specified in the lang/contexts.json file are not used in source files. They should be removed.
  • Found the Context is duplicated for the id error – some of the entries are duplicated. Consider removing them from the lang/contexts.json file, or rewrite them.
  • Found the Context for the message id is missing error – entries specified in source files are not described in the lang/contexts.json file. They should be added.


yarn run translations:collect


Download translations from the Transifex server. Depending on users' activity in the project, it creates translation files used for building the editor.

The task requires passing the URL to Transifex API. Usually, it matches the following format:[PROJECT_SLUG].

To avoid passing the --transifex option whenever you call the command, you can store it in package.json, next to the ckeditor5-package-tools translations:download command.


yarn run translations:download --transifex [API URL]


Uploads translation messages onto the Transifex server. It allows users to create translations into other languages using the Transifex platform.

The task requires passing the URL to the Transifex API. Usually, it matches the following format:[PROJECT_SLUG].

To avoid passing the --transifex option whenever you call the command, you can store it in package.json, next to the ckeditor5-package-tools translations:upload command.


yarn run translations:upload --transifex [API URL]

ts:build and ts:clear

These scripts compile TypeScript and remove the compiled files. They are used in the aforementioned life cycle scripts, and there is no need to call them manually.


No packages published


  • TypeScript 95.0%
  • JavaScript 4.2%
  • CSS 0.8%