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Class NCLocationEditManager

Il Kadyrov edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 1 revision

NCLocationEditManager class is used for editing location's transmitters, committing changes to the server.

Referenced from: NCNavigineSdk.

Public methods

Function addLocationEditListener

- (void)addLocationEditListener:(nullable id<NCLocationEditListener>)locationEditListener

Function is used for adding NCLocationEditListener class element which will notify about editing status and commit status.


Function removeLocationEditListener

- (void)removeLocationEditListener:(nullable id<NCLocationEditListener>)locationEditListener;

Function is used for removing previously added NCLocationEditListener class element.


Function addBeacon

- (void)addBeacon:(int32_t)subLocId
             uuid:(nonnull NSString *)uuid
            point:(nonnull NCPoint *)point
             name:(nonnull NSString *)name

Function is used for adding new beacon to the location.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where beacon should be added.
  • uuid — uuid value of the beacon.
  • major — major value of the beacon.
  • minor — minor value of the beacon.
  • point — position of the beacon on the map. (In metric coordinates)
  • name — name value of the beacon.
  • power — power value of the beacon.

Function editBeacon

- (void)editBeacon:(int32_t)subLocId
              uuid:(nonnull NSString *)uuid
             point:(nonnull NCPoint *)point
              name:(nonnull NSString *)name

Function is used for editing existing beacon on the sublocation. Major, minor and uuid are used for finding this beacon. User can edit only last three values.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where beacon should be added.
  • uuid — uuid value of the beacon.
  • major — major value of the beacon.
  • minor — minor value of the beacon.
  • point — position of the beacon on the map. (In metric coordinates)
  • name — name value of the beacon.
  • power — power value of the beacon.

Function removeBeacon

- (void)removeBeacon:(int32_t)subLocId
                uuid:(nonnull NSString *)uuid

Function is used for removing existing beacon on the location.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where beacon should be added.
  • uuid — uuid value of the beacon.
  • major — major value of the beacon.
  • minor — minor value of the beacon.

Function addEddystone

- (void)addEddystone:(int32_t)subLocId
         namespaceId:(nonnull NSString *)namespaceId
          instanceId:(nonnull NSString *)instanceId
               point:(nonnull NCPoint *)point
                name:(nonnull NSString *)name

Function is used for adding eddystone to the location.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where eddystone should be added.
  • namespaceId — namespace id value of the eddystone.
  • instanceId — instance id value of the eddystone.
  • point — position of the eddystone on the map. (In metric coordinates)
  • name — name value of the eddystone.
  • power — power value of the eddystone.

Function editEddystone

- (void)editEddystone:(int32_t)subLocId
          namespaceId:(nonnull NSString *)namespaceId
           instanceId:(nonnull NSString *)instanceId
                point:(nonnull NCPoint *)point
                 name:(nonnull NSString *)name

Function is used for editing existing eddystone on the location. Namespace id and instance id are used for finding this eddystone. User can edit only last three values.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where eddystone should be added.
  • namespaceId — namespace id value of the eddystone.
  • instanceId — instance id value of the eddystone.
  • point — position of the eddystone on the map. (In metric coordinates)
  • name — name value of the eddystone.
  • power — power value of the eddystone.

Function removeEddystone

- (void)removeEddystone:(int32_t)subLocId
            namespaceId:(nonnull NSString *)namespaceId
             instanceId:(nonnull NSString *)instanceId;

Function is used for removing existing eddystone on the location.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where eddystone should be added.
  • namespaceId — namespace id value of the eddystone.
  • instanceId — instance id value of the eddystone.

Function addWifi

- (void)addWifi:(int32_t)subLocId
            mac:(nonnull NSString *)mac
          point:(nonnull NCPoint *)point
           name:(nonnull NSString *)name;

Function is used for adding wifi to the location.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where wifi should be added.
  • mac — mac address of the wifi. (Without :, i.e. 001122334455)
  • point — position of the wifi on the map. (In metric coordinates)
  • name — name value of the wifi.

Function editWifi

- (void)editWifi:(int32_t)subLocId
             mac:(nonnull NSString *)mac
           point:(nonnull NCPoint *)point
            name:(nonnull NSString *)name;

Function is used for editing existing wifi on the location. MAC address is used for finding this wifi. User can edit only last two values.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where wifi should be added.
  • mac — mac address of the wifi. (Without :, i.e. 001122334455)
  • point — position of the wifi on the map. (In metric coordinates)
  • name — name value of the wifi.

Function removeWifi

- (void)removeWifi:(int32_t)subLocId
               mac:(nonnull NSString *)mac;

Function is used for removing existing wifi on the location.

  • subLocId — id of the sublocation, where wifi should be added.
  • mac — mac address of the wifi. (Without :, i.e. 001122334455)

Function commitChanges

- (void)commitChanges;

Function is used for applying current transmitters changes and uploading them to the server.

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