Created with love by: HUY NGUYEN
This is a simple project written with Reactjs from TMDB
View online demo at:
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Required User Stories:
- The user can see the top 20 "Currently Playing" movies on a page.
- For each movie, the user can see the Movie Title, Year, Rating, and Poster.
- The user can see this information clearly on devices of various screen sizes.
- The user can see "more" movies by tapping a "See More" button at the bottom. Optional User Stories:
- The user can enter a term into a search box to filter the currently loaded movies by search term.
- The user can change the "source" from "Currently Playing" movies to "Top Rated" movies (or any other of the endpoints supplied by MovieDB).
- Sort by Rating and Popularity (from Lowest to Highest and Vice Versa)
- Have Year, Rating as a slider. Change the display dynamically when the slider is changed. You could use React Input Range package for this task.
- The user will see multiple genres on the leftside of the screen with number of movies which has that genre.
- The User can filter movies by genres by clicking on selected genre.
- The user can navigate between pages with pagination features (works for both normal and search feature)
- More than 6 hours
- State, props, API, handel change event