Medical management application: patients, notes and health report.
Java / Spring Boot / ReactJS / Docker
- Download the project or import it with git
- Open Mediscreen with IntelliJ or Eclipse
- Launch the command for generate the JARs :
mvn clean install
Docker for Windows :
Create a MySQL database called "mediscreen".
To import the database into MySQL you can use the MySQL Workbench tool or by command line :
mysql -u [user] -p mediscreen < mediscreen_patient.sql
Download MongoDB : create a "mediscreen" database with the MongoDB Compass tool or use this command line :
use mediscreen
1 - Build each image using the DockerFile included in each micro-service folder : If you want to avoid editing the docker-compose.yml, use those commands, or edit the compose file according the name you gave to the images. Don't forget to be in the right folder to launch the command :
docker build -t ms-patient .
docker build -t ms-notes .
docker build -t ms-rapport .
docker build -t ms-front .
2 - And for launch Docker Compose, at the root of project, this file inject using environment variable and the cross origin url. It also launch mysql 8 and mongoDb 4 :
docker compose up
3 - Once the microservices with Docker are launched, the application is accessible at: http://localhost
Microservices are also available on Docker Hub
For MySQL : docker pull mysql
For MongoDB : docker pull mongo
Microservice "Patient" : docker push lornmalvo/ms-patient:tagname
Microservice "Notes" : docker push lornmalvo/ms-notes:tagname
Microservice "Report" : docker push lornmalvo/ms-rapport:tagname
Microservice "front" : docker push lornmalvo/front:tagname
Link Docker Hub :
Patient : http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui/index.html#
Notes : http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui/index.html#
Rapport : http://localhost:8083/swagger-ui/index.html#
The UI is available at : http://localhost