A highly configurable & flexible input method(im) auto-switch plugin for neovim, inspired by VSCodeVim
- 🛺Auto switch input methods when necessary(e.g. keep im default in normal mode, restore im in other modes)
- 📚Manage input method states per buffer respectively
- ⚙️High configurability and flexibility for different input methods, im switch behaviors and OSs
- 🚀Blazingly fast because external commands are executed asynchronously
- 💻VSCode Neovim compatible
- neovim >= 0.10.0
- An im switch tool is needed. For Linux, if you use fcitx, check
; for Windows or MacOS, checkim-select
: im-select.
Installing this plugin is very easy!
With lazy.nvim
-- e.g. fcitx5 v5.0.14
event = "BufEnter",
opts = {
cmd = {
-- default im
default_im = "1",
-- get current im
get_im_cmd = "fcitx5-remote",
-- cmd to switch im. the plugin will put an im name in "{}"
-- or
-- cmd to switch im between active/inactive
switch_im_cmd = "fcitx5-remote -t",
For more Installation and Configuration examples, check here examples.
You can also take a look of im-select usage.
Default Configuration
-- fallback cmd, check "cmd_os" bellow
cmd = {
--- these three just show the options, the plugin doesn't set them
default_im = "", -- default im
get_im_cmd = "", -- get current im, output will be trimmed by this plugin
switch_im_cmd = "", -- cmd to switch im; use {} as an im placholder
-- or just a cmd which switches im between active/inactive
cmd_os = {}, -- specify your per OS cmd here, the plugin will check your current environment
-- and fallback to "cmd" if necessary
-- leave it empty and only set "cmd" if you use only one OS
-- see the following example!!
-- keys in "cmd_os" can be set to different OS names:
-- for linux is "linux", for windows is "windows" and for macos is "macos"
-- for other OSs, use `vim.uv.os_uname().sysname` to get your OS name, then
-- use this name as a key in cmd_os
-- e.g. to specify your linux cmd
cmd_os = {
linux = {
default_im = "",
get_im_cmd = "",
switch_im_cmd = "",
-- im swich behaviors per mode.
-- set this table to configure im switch behavior when events are triggered
mode = {
-- mode spec:
-- "autoswitch"(string): smart im-autoswitch
-- "default"(string): always back to default im
-- "enter_default"(string): back to default im at enter
-- "leave_default"(string): back to default im at leave
-- false(boolean): do nothing
insert = "autoswitch", -- im-autoswitch trigger at InsertEnter/InsertLeave
search = "autoswitch", -- im-autoswitch trigger at CmdlineEnter/CmdlineLeave(/ or \?)
cmdline = "leave_default", -- not back to default im at CmdlineEnter(:) by default
-- because some ims can't produce ":" directly;
-- back to default im at CmdlineLeave(:)
terminal = "default", -- always back to default im at TermEnter/TermLeave
-- set keymaps because some special neovim commands which don't trigger events
keymap = {
-- in this table, key is the original commands in neovim,
-- and value is the keymap spec
-- keymap spec:
-- "xxx"(string): key sequence, this extension will use this sequence as {lhs} in vim.keymap.set
-- false(bolean): do nothing
r = "r", -- remap "r" to do im switch when executing original r{char} command
gr = false, -- don't remap "gr" to do im switch. This is because gr{char} command is not so
-- common in use and is usually remapped as "go to the reference"
-- all above share the same im switch behavior with mode.insert
- No effect in ssh. This plugin will not be loaded in ssh environment.
You can call module functions of im-autoswitch.nvim directly for more flexible use.
-- just go back to default im
-- or
-- first name a mode(string). "insert" "search" "cmdline" "terminal" are all reserved
local mode = "xxx"
-- then use the following two functions to switch im as you need
-- the type of buf is number, and can be get from vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
-- or autocmd callback parameter: opts.buf
require("imas").im_enter(mode, buf) -- restore im if your are in default im
require("imas").im_leave(mode, buf) -- go back to default im, and store current im state
of any kind are welcome!