Releases: OneSignal/OneSignal-Unity-SDK
Releases · OneSignal/OneSignal-Unity-SDK
1.14.0 Release
Android Badges and iOS geotagging
- Added support for Android badges.
- Supported on launchers by Sony, Samsung, LG, HTC, Xiaomi, ASUS, ADW, APEX, and NOVA.
- Adds support for geotagging to iOS.
- Added SetEmail.
1.13.2 Release
Fixed Android regression bug with Unity 5 SDK requiring API level 23
- Also updated to latest Android Native OneSignal SDK version 2.1.3.
1.13.1 Release
Fixed issue with null error on getTags on Android
- Updated to latest 2.1.1 Android library to fix the issue.
1.13.0 Release
Tag and warning fixes and support for new iOS payload
- Includes updates to the latest minor release of native iOS and Android SDKs.
- Android send and delete tag fixes.
- Device log warnings fixes for both iOS and Android.
- iOS - added support for a new APNs payload.
1.12.4 Release
Unity 5 Android build fix - manifest merge with other plugins
- Fixed Android manifest merge errors with uses-sdk values when building and using some other Android plugins.
- This includes errors with Android targetSdkVersion and minSdkVersion.
1.12.3 Release
Android fixes - default sound and rare registration issues
- Fixed bug where onesignal_default_sound was not being used by default when included in res/raw.
- Fixed rare registration issue when the device has an intermittent connection or a mixture of 8.3.0 and 8.4.0 GMS aar files are used.
- Removed unused play-services-analytics aar file.
- Renamed 4.6 unitypackage to include 4.7 for compatibly clarity.
1.12.2 Release
PostNotification callback and Android old GMS library fixes
- Fixed issue where a 2nd PostNotification callback would not fire if another one was started from within the success or failure the first one.
- Updated native Android SDK library to fix a registration issue if a very old GMS library was used instead of the provided library.
1.12.1 Release
Android GMS registration fix.
- Fixed issue where Android device would not register in some cases if Google Play services 8.1.0 or newer was used in the project.
1.12.0 Release
Android OneSignal Native SDK 2.0 and Misc fixes
- Updated Android native OneSignal to version 2.0.1 from 1.10.7
- See [these release notes]( Release) for more details
- Moved most SDK files into a OneSignal folder for Unity 5 for a cleaner import.
- 4.6 SDK package exists for backwards compatibility.
- Updated to latest version of Google Play services and Android Support library v4 with AAR files.
- This fixes compatibility when also using the Google Play Games for Unity plugin in a project.
- Fixed Log link error when using some other Unity plugins.
1.11.3 Release
Fixed WP8.1 build error with Unity 4.6
- Fixed error when building for Windows Phone 8.1 in Unity 4.6
- Added Android/OneSignalNotificationRes to unitypackage to make customizing android notification icons easier.