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HalfManBear edited this page Sep 3, 2024 · 80 revisions

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Getting Started with OpenNept4une


Table of Contents


Flashing OpenNept4une

Download and Preparation:

Download the latest OpenNept4une Image that matches your printer's specifications. Select the correct file based on your printer model and mainboard version:

- Neptune 4 or Neptune 4 Pro

  • If you have mainboard V1.0:

  • If you have mainboard V1.1:

- Neptune 4 Plus or Neptune 4 Max

  • Neptune4-Plus+Max-v0.1.*-ZNP-K1-V2.0.img.xz

Flash the image to the eMMC:

- Linux:

xz -dc -T0 file.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fsync status=progress

- MacOS:

- Windows:

  • Use 7z to extract then Rufus to flash

Note If the eMMC is not detected, ensure the chip is the correct way round in the adapter.


  • Reinsert the eMMC into the mainboard.
  • If your printer now features an externally accessible microSD slot, reattach the access panel to the printer (Important for cooling).
  • Power on the printer
  • NOTE: Your touchscreen will continue to hang on loading, this is normal please continue with the installation.
  • Access your printer's terminal console (via SSH or Serial)

- SSH (Requires Ethernet Connection to a router/network switch);

  1. Connect the printer via Ethernet to your router / LAN switch (NOT directly to a PC)

  2. Determine the new IP of your printer (two options below):
    a. Use your router's web interface > DHCP lease table.
    b. Or use AngryIP (Settings Cog > Ports > Clear port selection entries, type 7125, Ok, then Start)

  3. Connect via SSH using: ssh mks@YOUR-PRINTERS-IP. Password: makerbase.

- Serial (If ethernet access isn't available);

  1. Connect your computer to the printer's USB-C port (1500000 Baud Serial terminal).
    a. Windows users can use PuTTY. Here is a useful quick connection Guide.
    b. Linux users can use screen for terminal access (linux commands below).


    Find the relevant ttyACM / ttyUSB device then paste yours into the command below.

    screen /dev/tty* 1500000

    To exit screen, press Ctrl + A followed by K, then confirm with Y.

  2. Once connected login using: User: mks. Password: makerbase.

Configure WiFi:

  • To configure WiFi run the following command.
    sudo nmtui
  • Select Edit a Connection, and press enter.
  • Right arrow to <Add>, and press enter.
  • Down arrow to Wi-Fi, and press enter.
  • Give the profile a name, like Home or Work, then skip down to the SSID (this is your network name).
  • At Security, choose WPA & WPA2 Personal, then add your password. (this security should be correct for most setups)
  • Leave the IPv4 and IPv6 on automatic, and select Ok.
  • Select Back and then Quit.
  • Once connected, consider logging into your WiFi router and enabling a static IP address for your printer. This will prevent the IP address from changing over time. (usually within DHCP settings).

Initial Configurations & Updates

Timezone Configuration:

  • Set the correct timezone through Armbian configuration:
    sudo armbian-config
  • Navigate to Personal > Timezone to set your zone.
  • Exit the menu then reboot your printer with;
    sudo reboot

Update pre-loaded plugins

  • Execute the Kiauh script (you may have to run the command again after it updates itself):
  • Select menu Option 2, update all programs. It will take a while to check for updates on the first boot.
  • Type (a) for [Update all] when prompted by ####### Perform action:, then exit kiauh once complete.

Update OpenNept4une Installer & printer.cfg

  • Copy and paste the following command into the terminal
    cd ~/OpenNept4une/ && git remote set-url origin && git fetch --all && git reset --hard origin/main && git clean -fd
    Followed by
  • Select Option (1) (Install/Update OpenNept4une printer.cfg)
    The first run will ask you to select your printer model it then installs the relevant printer.cfg
  • Select Option (2) (Install/Update KAMP/Moonraker/fluiddGUI confs) then select Option 1) All
  • Quit opennept4une and run;
    sudo reboot

Flashing / Updating Klipper MCUs

  • After the reboot run the command
  • Select Menu Option 4) Update MCU & Virtual MCU Firmware to update MCUs
  • Select Option 4 ALL
  • The STM32 (main) MCU firmware .bin files will be generated first
  • Visit: http://your_printer_ip/#/configure
  • Click the Firmware folder in the Configuration Files column (left)
  • Right-click and Download X_4.bin and elegoo_k1.bin
  • Copy both files to a FAT32 formatted microSD card
  • Safely eject your microSD card (don't insert into the printer just yet)
  • Continue with the script (y)
  • If you don't have a pico/MellowFly USB accelerometer, enter s to Skip when prompted, otherwise connect the device in bootsel mode
  • The virtual MCU rpi firmware will now be generated and flashed automatically
  • After the auto reboot completes enter fluidd, then Shutdown the host (top right ...>Host>Shutdown)
  • (Wait ~20s) It is now safe to power off the printer at the power/mains switch
  • Insert the microSD card once the printer is fully powered down
  • Power on the printer, then check the MCU versions in Fluidd's system tab (v0.12.x).
  • You can now remove the microSD from the printer
  • Note: One of the .bin files on the microSD will be renamed to .CUR if the update was successful.

Post-Installation Setup

Install Touchscreen Display Service:

  • run the command
  • Select 5) Install/Update Touch-Screen Service (BETA)
  • Press y at the first prompt
  • Check on your touchscreen itself, in Settings > About Machine > UI Version for the version number
  • Ensure your touch-screen is on the latest Elegoo firmware, ideally ≥ UI v1.2.14(if not see instructions below)
  • Reboot your printer with;
    sudo reboot

Updating touchscreen UI version (if version < UI v1.2.14)

  • Download Here
  • Place the downloaded file on a fat32 formatted microSD
  • Safely shutdown & power-off your printer
  • Remove the 4 screws from the back of the touchscreen
  • Insert the microSD into the touchscreens internal microSD slot
  • Power on your 3D printer & the touchscreen should display the upgrade process
  • Once complete, remove the microSD from the touchscreen & restart the printer

Webcam Configuration:

  • If you have a USB webcam connected, auto-configure with the following:
  • Select 7) * Advanced Options Menu *
  • Then 2) Webcam Auto-Config (mjpg-streamer)
  • In fluidd navigate to Settings > Camera > USB and enter the below configuration with your OWN printer's IP address in the URLs (before :8080)
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 16 41 59
  • Note: fluidd might need to be refreshed in the browser
  • For making any manual webcam configuration changes use;
    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mjpg-streamer.service

Resizing filesystem (for 32GB eMMC upgrade ONLY)

  • Run the following command:
  • Select 7) * Advanced Options Menu *
  • Then 3) Resize Active Armbian Partition - for eMMC > 8GB

Using Mainsail:

  • fluidd is the default web interface for this project, accessible at http://your_printer_ip/
  • That being said, mainsail comes pre-installed
  • Mainsail access via
  • Enter your printer IP address (or hostname) in the Hostname field

Update remaining 3rd Party Modules:

LED Configuration (*for some v1.1 N4 or N4Pro users ONLY):

  • *If your v1.1 N4 / N4Pro LED control via fluidd is working, SKIP this section.
  • Otherwise, if you are having issues controlling LEDs on your v1.1 N4 / N4Pro.
  • Open your user_settings.cfg and paste the following.
    #   Alt (v1.1) LED Config
     [output_pin Frame_Light]
     pin: rpi:gpiochip2/gpio2
     [output_pin Part_Light]
     pin: rpi:gpiochip2/gpio15
  • Click Save & Restart

Importing OrcaSlicer Profiles

  • Download & install the latest Official Release OrcaSlicer
  • Configure your Printer Model in Orca with 0.4mm nozzle and PLA default presets
  • Check / Confirm Bambu Network Engine install
  • Download the latest OrcaSlicer Profiles (ensure you click the icon for raw file download)
  • In OrcaSlicer click [File > Import > Import Configs...]
  • Within each of the three dropdown menus on the left for Printer, Filament & Process select the relevant OpenNept4une User preset (note not to select PETG unless required)
  • Click the WiFi symbol to the right of the Printer preset dropdown, and enter your printer's IP to enable network .gcode upload.
  • Your printer's fluidd interface will now be accessible via OrcaSlicer Device tab.

Printer Calibration & Levelling


Safely Powering Off your Printer

  1. Save any config changes within the Fluidd interface to avoid losing them.
  2. To safely Power-off your printer, either use the touchscreen to shutdown the host or use the Fluidd interface:
    Navigate to the top-right menu, select Host, then Shutdown.
    Wait until the Green LEDs (visible under the printer) turn off
    Then you can power off the machine at the mains power switch.
    This ensures that changes stored in RAM are correctly written to the eMMC, preventing data loss.

Keeping your Printer Updated


Recovery - Back to Factory
