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PDFReporter Expression Languages

Donat Müller edited this page Mar 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

Supported Expression Languages


You can use now JavaScript on Android and iOS as expression language.


Documentation and sources are found here. The PDFReporter has extended the JEval library so that multi language can be supported and also converting of data types, since JEval passes all arguments as strings.

On how to use and write the JEval expressions this documentation will help you.

And all test cases (jrxml files) in PDFReporter in the project pdfreporter-testdata shows concrete usage of JEval.


The new expression language that will be the main expression language in PDFReporter is on GitHub and developed by our self.

The JSHuntingYard is a lot faster then JEval and supports any object as parameter. Take a look at the performance measure between JEval and JSHuntingYard.