Conversion of Swift Dates to Mars Time for NASA Mars landed missions.
let landing = "2021-049 19:49:00.000")!
var (lmst, utc) = MarsTimeConversion.getMarsTime(for: Lander.M20, date: landing)
XCTAssertEqual(lmst, "Sol 00000M15:00:00")
XCTAssertEqual(utc, "2021-02-18 19:49:00")
To convert a Date, call MarsTimeConversion.getMarsTime(for:date)
Possible values for lander are: Lander.M20 (Mars 2020 "Perseverance" rover) Lander.MSL (Mars Science Laboratory "Curiosity" rover)
The function returns a tuple of: (lmst, utc) consisting of
- local mean solar time of the Mars lander formatted as "Sol nnnnnMhh:mm:ss"
- UTC time of the provided input Date formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"