the goal is to create a website to aggregates information of all federal congressmen and congresswoman including their past positions in the federal
The main framework for the website run with Python3
- generated a MySQL database
- dynamic webpages using JavaScript and custom CSS
- Separate modules for different services
- integrated twitter API
- integrated Django backend to interact with AWS services
Acquired AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification
- Managed Configurations through shell script
- Briefly touched Autoscaling groups for PoliAgg webserver
- Strong grasp on differences between AWS Instance Types
stores more static information concerning the website such as images and the code repository.
- used to host git repository for PoliAgg
- configured to save static information in PoliAgg
Holds all the tables concerning the people in congress and the data presented in the website with initial population using python web-scraper script
- MySQL / Aurora
- Pulled down info from and updated RDS instance
- Updated relevant info when certain item was called in Django by
- Secured private and public subnets in order for RDS and server to communicate without exposing RDS to public internet
- Generated route table to allow communication between subnets and internet
- Created IAM policies and roles to allow access from various AWS resources to other AWS resources
- Automatically updates/creates web server when git repository is updated
- Bash script to download latest districts maps from government convert them into JSON files then separate the JSON into individual States for each of the districts
- Python webscraper that handles dynamic calling of resources from both and compiled into zip files to run in AWS Lambda