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Docker Tutorials

This tutorial shows up how to build a docker image.

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CLI Commands for building and inspecting the docker image

Build docker image with tag

Build an image with a tag:

docker build -t ${imageName}:${tag} .

Investigate image content

Investigate the content of an image when the container uses CMD instruction to execute a command:

docker run -it ${imageName}:${tag} sh


docker run -it --entrypoint sh ${imageName}:${tag}

However, only --entrypoint flag works when the container uses Entrypoint instruction to execute a command.

Write build image log to a file

To write the build history into a file:

docker image history --no-trunc ${imageName}:${tag} > ${fileName}

Ceate a container for a service

To create a container by the image for a service:

docker run -p ${port}:${port} ${imageName}:${tag}

Alternatively, running the container in the background by executing:

docker run -d -p ${port}:${port} ${imageName}:${tag}


Using ["/bin/sh", "-c"] in CMD or ENTRYPOINT when you want to receive the system signals

In the execution form of CMD and ENTRYPOINT, it allows users to use ["executable" "param1" "param2"] to execute a command. It means there are two ways to use the execution form:

CMD ["node", "dist/server.js"]

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ENTRYPOINT ["node", "dist/server.js"]

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CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "node dist/server.js"]

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ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c" , "node dist/server.js"]

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However, the dist/server.js cannot receive system signals, such as Ctrl+C, from the command prompt when the CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions go with /bin/sh to initiate dist/server.js. As a result, please do not use /bin/sh and -c when you would like to receive system signals.

Using yarn script in CMD or ENTRYPOINT when you want to receive the system signals

yarn can be used in the CMD and ENTRYPOINT instruction when the base image includes yarn or it has been installed in the build image process. To run a yarn script to enable dist/server.js, it can be done as follows:

CMD ["yarn", "greeting", "serve"]

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ENTRYPOINT ["yarn", "greeting", "serve"]

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CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "yarn greeting serve"]

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ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c", "yarn greeting serve"]

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However, the dist/server.js is executed in serve script cannot receive system signal, such as Ctrl+C, from the command prompt when the CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions use the yarn script. As a result, please do not use yarn script when you would like to receive system signals.

Build context is always built from the root directory

This may be true if the docker build command is executed at the root directory, but it may not be true if the command is executed in the sub directory or other directories. There are two examples explaining what is the difference as follows:

Execute docker build in the root directory

It's easy to build a docker image in the root directory as executing:

docker run -t docker.tutorials:root .

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Then this image contains everything under the root directory.

~/Documents/repos/docker.tutorials - (main) $ docker run -it docker.tutorials:root sh
# ls
Dockerfile                Dockerfile_cmd_yarn       Dockerfile_entrypoint_yarn     LICENSE      jest.config.ts  scripts        yarn.lock
Dockerfile_build_context  Dockerfile_cmd_yarn_sh    Dockerfile_entrypoint_yarn_sh    node_modules    tsconfig.json
Dockerfile_cmd_sh         Dockerfile_entrypoint_sh  Dockerfile_greeting            dockerfiles  package.json    workspaces

Execute docker build in the workspace directory

In this case, the location of Dockerfile must be given in the command line prompt because there is no Dockerfile in workspaces directory as follows:

docker run -t docker.tutorials:workspaces -f ../Dockerfile_build_context .

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Then the image contains the directory in workspaces only.

~/Documents/repos/docker.tutorials - (main) $ docker run -it docker.tutorials:workspaces sh
# ls


As a result, the path, ., of build context is based on where the docker command is executed, not where the docker file is allocated. If the build context is specified with a file path, the build context is from that path. For example, building image from workspaces/greeting folder when executing docker build command in dockerfiles directory.

docker build -t docker.tutorials:greeting -f ../Dockerfile_build_context ../workspaces/greeting

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The image contains the files under workspaces/greeting only as follows:

~/Documents/repos/docker.tutorials - (main) $ docker run -it docker.tutorials:greeting sh
# ls
dist  package.json  src  tsconfig.json

Best practice

  • Always pick up the smallest size of the base image, such as distroless container image.
  • Always use multiple-stage builds to reduce the size of the image
  • Always combining RUN instruction and minimizing the usage of ADD, COPY and FROM to reduce the size of the image
  • Utilizing caching to speed up the build process
  • Ignoring non-releasable files or resources
  • Always using volumes to store data
