Mac OS X counterpart for PageBot, based on DrawBot.
Pagebot runs on Python 3. We recommend updating to 3.7+.
To install pagebotosx
as a general Python package:
pip install pagebotosx
Upgrade to the latest if already installed:
pip install pagebot pagebotosx --upgrade
To setup pagebotosx
and its requirements in a virtual environemnt environment:
pip install virtualenv
mkdir ~/virtualenvironment
virtualenv ~/virtualenvironment/pagebot
cd ~/virtualenvironment/pagebot/bin
source activate
pip-3.8 install pagebotosx
Bugs, enhancements and requested features can be added to the GitHub issue tracker:
- Download: PyPi
- Continuous Integration: Travis
- Documentation: ReadTheDocs
- Main PageBot repository:
- Examples repository:
- The core library, tutorials and basic examples for PageBot are available under the MIT Open Source license. Some depencendies have been included in this repository and are available under their own licenses. See also the LICENSE.
PageBot® is a registered trademark U.S. Serial Number: 87-457,280 Owner: Buro Petr van Blokland + Claudia Mens VOF Docket/Reference Number: 1538-25