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Django app for editing and testing puzzlehunt puzzles (open-source version)

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A Django app for editing/testing puzzles for a puzzlehunt. Cloned from PuzzLord, which was a reincarnate of Puzzletron.

Design / How it works

Some goals and consequences of PuzzUp's design:

Simplicity and low maintenance costs, with the goal of letting PuzzUp last many years without continuous development effort

  • Few roles
  • JavaScript dependence is minimized. When useful, use modern JS and don't try to support old browsers.
  • To reduce code, rely on Django built-in features when possible.

Connection between PuzzUp and hunt repo

  • Upload postprod files and commit directly to the repo
  • Export metadata and hints directly to the hunt repo
  • Not yet implemented: partial answers

Permissiveness, which dovetails with simplicity, is OK because we generally trust our writing team

  • Anybody can change the status of puzzles and add/remove themselves or other people to/from any puzzle-related role (author, discussion editor, factchecker, postprodder, spoiled).

Spoiler safety

  • Puzzles can have custom codenames, which PuzzUp will try to show to non-spoiled people.
  • PuzzUp always shows you an interstitial and requires you to confirm that you would like to be spoiled. You cannot accidentally spoil yourself on puzzles or metas.

Other workflow points

  • Factchecking comes after postprodding
  • Some additional useful puzzle statuses



  • Python 3.x
  • pipenv
  • Postgres

Local setup

Make sure you have Python 3.x and pipenv installed.

cd into the root of this repo

Install the requirements:

pipenv shell
pipenv install --dev

Create a folder for logs to go in:

mkdir logs

Duplicate .env.template to a file called .env. Change the PUZZUP_SECRET inside of it to something long, random, and highly secure. You can skip the other environment variables for now.

Use Postgres to create a new database:

createdb puzzup

Migrate by running

./ makemigrations
./ migrate

Install pre-commit hooks (may need to pip3 install pre-commit first): Note: we skipped precommit in the latest implementation.

pre-commit install

Load user and group fixtures.

inv load-users

If all went well, run this to start the dev server:

./ runserver

The local IP and port should be printed to stdout, and it should helpfully tell you that you're running Django 3.1.x.

Server set-up

You only need to do this once, after you clone the repo and are setting it up for your team.

Set the site password

SITE_PASSWORD as an environment variable. (This is what you will give out to users to let them register accounts)

Define the sender and reply-to email

in puzzle_editing/


in settings/ and settings/

Setting up the server

Spin up server instance and pull latest code

We used Heroku.

Environment vars for integrating Discord


Other enviornment variables

  • BUILDPACK_SSH_KEY = for integration with Hunt site repo
  • DATABASE_URL = full path w/ credentials, to your DB
  • HUNT_REPO = path to Hunt repo. /tmp/hunt works.
  • POSTPROD_URL = staging URl
  • PUZZUP_SECRET = random string
  • SITE_PASSWORD = needed for your users use to register
  • SSH_KEY_PATH = Likely ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Install auth fixture

If you're using Heroku, you can use inv load-all-prod. Otherwise, SSH into your PuzzUp server and run ./ loaddata auth.

Installing packages

If you ever need to install more pip packages for this project, make sure you're in the pipenv shell. Then just type

pipenv install [package-name]

It'll automatically get added to the Pipfile and update Pipfile.lock.


Why are things broken?

  • Did you forget to go into pipenv shell
  • Did you forget to install all the requirements?
  • Are you running python 2? If python version starts with 2, you might need to install python 3, or to swap python to python3 at the beginning of your commands.

How do I use

  • You can always run python --help to get a list of subcommands
  • To create a superuser (so you can access the /admin page locally) run python createsuperuser
  • If you get a warning (red text) about making migrations run python migrate

Where are things?

The Django project (currently) has only one app, called "puzzle_editing". Most business logic and UI lives inside the puzzle_editing directory.

Where are static files?

Static files (CSS etc.) live in puzzle_editing/static.

Discord Integration

Puzzup integrates a fair bit with Discord, allowing for channels to be managed. To use it, there's a little bit of setup. This integration should be stable through version 8 of the Discord API.


You will need to create a Discord application here.

  • Set this application's Interactions endpoint URL to https://your-puzzup-url/slashcommands
  • Enable a bot for your application.

Make a note of:

  • your discord server ID (you can switch on Developer Mode and the right-click > Copy ID to do this; called a guild ID below)
  • your bot's bot token
  • your application's public key
  • your application's client ID
  • your application's client secret

Set necessary Discord environment variables. See above.

By default, DISCORD_OAUTH_SCOPES is set to identify only, since that is all the site needs at this time.

You'll need to add a bot to your server with the following permissions - the below link will do this for you, just add your client ID:
  • Manage channels - needed to rename, create and reorganise channels
  • Manage roles - needed to override visibility for users and roles on puzzle channels
  • Commands - needed for your users to be able to invoke the below slash commands

Finally, make a POST request to with the below JSON payload, authorised with your bot token (Authorization: Bot BOT_TOKEN)

Alternately, you can instead make the POST request to and then wait up to an hour for commands to propagate. This will enable your commands globally, but there's really no need for this.

        "name": "up",
        "description": "Interact with Puzzup",
        "options": [{
            "type": 1,
            "name": "create",
            "description": "Create a puzzle in Puzzup linked to the current channel"
            "type": 1,
            "name": "archive",
            "description": "Archive the current channel"
            "type": 1,
            "name": "info",
            "description": "Get information about the current channel's puzzle"
            "type": 1,
            "name": "url",
            "description": "Get the link for the current channel's puzzle"


Forked from PuzzLord, which is maintained by @betaveros. Lots of infrastructure by @mitchgu. Many contributions from @jakob223, @dvorak42, and @fortenforge.

UI reskin by Sandy Weisz. Lots of work by Discord improvements by James Sugrono.

Contains a lightly modified copy of sorttable.js, licensed under the X11 license.


Django app for editing and testing puzzlehunt puzzles (open-source version)






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