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Jiter + Express + TypeScript example

A basic API for learning how to integrate your app with the Jiter API

What does the app do?

This app exposes API routes which allow a user to create reminders to purchase groceries, edit reminders, and receive reminders all using Jiter events.


  1. Install dependencies via yarn
  2. Run yarn setup to create your local environment file (or optionally run cp .env.sample .env)
  3. Get your API keys and signing secret and add them to .env
  4. Start your local reverse proxy with yarn proxy and then copy the https value for Forwarding (e.g., and add it as the BASE_URL in your .env
  5. Start the app with yarn dev (or optionally build and start with yarn build && yarn start)
  6. Use an API Client like Insomnia or make a CURL request to your API and watch the logs for responses

Example Curl Request

To create a new event, copy the snippet below and execute it in a terminal after replacing the API token with your token:

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:8000/api/events \
  --header 'x-api-token: YOUR_API_TOKEN'

Using the App

Once the app is up and running, there are a variety of routes you can utilize to experiment with the Jiter API:

Method Route Purpose
POST /event Creates new event that will be delivered one minute in the future
GET /api/events Finds all events
GET /events/:id Finds event by id
PUT /event/:id Updates event by id
POST /api/webhooks/jiter Handles your payload

After creating events, you'll see console.log output each time you receive a callback.