This app fetches some movie information (year, actors, awards etc) based on user input and save all the information in the DB.
Additionaly, using the 'option' dropdown, the user can check the details, add a comment and view other users comments.
'Comments' in the navbar, display all the comments from the DB regardless of the movie title.
Specific movie comments, are accessable from the movie dropdown.
This my 2nd Express app.
What I wanted to achieve here, is to use Node/Express for the whole app, without Front End JS.
There are places, where I didn't know how to properly handle several things (mainly with Sequelize) as I've just started learning it.
For example, in '/comments' route, where all the comments are displayed, I didn't include the movie title for specific comment, because I didn't know how to query the 'movies' table from the 'comments' table using sequelize. In sql it would like this:
SELECT movies.movies.title FROM movies.movies
INNER JOIN movies.comments ON = movies.comments.movieId
WHERE movies.comments.movieId = 3;
To run it locally, download the repo and run:
npm install
If you have Postgres already installed, change your database, user & password in secret/database.js file.
Sequelize will create all the tables and relations for you.
Now, if you run:
npm start
the application should start.
You can use mine.
If you don't have Postgres installed, follow the below:
psql -U postgres
This command should open postgres interactive shell. If you see at the bottom of your terminal this:
... it means that everything is ok. Otherwise visit this website:\ ... and follow a step by step tutorial how to install on Mac & Windows
Next step is to install Go to:
Once installation is complete, click blue button 'initialize' in the upper right corner of the screen.
When is done, go to you terminal and type:
psql -U postgres
This allowes you to log in to the psql interactive shell as the user named 'postgres'. This is a default user.
Different user can have different access to different databases or different level of authorithy.
The line below creates database (somedb) for a user named (postgres)
createdb -U postgres somedb
To link the user (user named postgres) with the db type:
psql -U postgres somedb
Now you should be in psql interactive shell
To create new user (still in psql shell) with full access type:
This message should appear:
If not, repeat the above.
Go to 'secret' folder and replace 'database', 'user', 'password' with the ones which were just created above.
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'user', 'password', { dialect: 'postgres', host: 'localhost' });
Unfortunetly I have never written any test, therefore I skipped them.
The app is up and running. Can be viewed here:
- Express.js - app handling
- Pug - template handling
- Sequelize - CRUD & DB connection handling
- Paweł Góźdź
The project uses MVC pattern