Basic mod loader for Friday Night Funkin'
If you wish to make your mod compatible with both Cyn's ModLauncher and ModBootstrap, check here.
In order to make your mod compatible with ModBootstrap, add a .hxc script with a unique sounding name of your choice.
import funkin.modding.module.Module;
import funkin.modding.module.ModuleHandler;
class ExampleModBind extends Module { // Replace the class name with a unique name of your choice
public function new() {
super("ExampleModBind"); // Replace the string with a unique name of your choice
public function onCreate(event:ScriptEvent):Void { = false;
if ((launcher = ModuleHandler.getModule("BootStrapBinds")) != null) {
ModuleHandler.getModule("BootStrapBinds").scriptCall("bind", [{
name: "My Mod", // mod name
description: "I ate your wife", // mod description
target: "BaseTitleState", // target state
bg: '', // if the bg is set to nothing, it will use the default bg
icon: 'fnficon32', // path to icon (32x32)
author: "the elusive my mod team", // name of the people who made the mod
version: "0.1.0", // version number, based on semantic versions
logo: '', // big logo for the mod.
color: 0xFFB00B69, // color for the selection tab thingies
bg_group: (group) -> { // for dynamic bgs, to add stuff you must do "group.add(myVar)"
return; // do nothing.
disclaimer: "This mod contains flashing lights." // disclaimer, add anything you want here.
} else {
// place failsafe code here.
If you need to check if the current mod being played is your's, use Save.instance.modOptions.get("ModBootstrapV2").selected_mod