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This is being MAINTAINED for Versai.pro
- 3D chunk claiming system with configurable claim sizes
- Faction homes, protections, and money.
- Faction, Ally, Enemy, Global, Local, and even custom chat channels (for the more advanced factions, with complicated relations).
- On-the-fly loading of config and data files - no reloading required!
- A very complex (but simple to use!) access system that allows for both global permission changes and per chunk access settings.
- Warzone, safezone, and peaceful faction toggles - for example, you can have multiple warzone factions, each with their own names.
- Custom language/messages support. Server admins can translate the plugins themselves, or just replace the messages with their own.
- Open your faction, allow others to join without invitations!
Make sure you're using: xZeroMCPE\UltraFaction\UltraFaction
* $player should be instance of a Player
* returns a bool
* $player should be instance of a Player
* returns a \Faction\Faction object
* You should check if they belong to a faction first!
$faction = UltraFaction::getInstance()->getFactionManager()->getFaction($player);
// You can also retrieve their faction name using the following:
$factionName = $faction->getName();
Be sure to check \Faction\Faction
for a list of methods.
We also have a bunch of events you can tie to.
// Listen to when someone creates a faction?
public function onCreate(FactionCreateEvent $event){
$player = $event->getPlayer();
if($event->getFactionName() == "Zero"){
$player->sendMessage("You can't use that faction name because you're not cool!");
// Maybe when something changes?
public function onCreate(FactionStatusChangeEvent $event){
$player = $event->getPlayer();
if($event->getStatus() === FactionStatusChangeEvent::STATUS_FACTION_OPEN){
$player->sendMessage("Oh wow, you opened your faction :o");
We have a ton of others, we'll try to update the readme, or alternatively, create a wiki
Create an issue if you're experiencing an issue!