Enter _codes
This directory contains all .mod files that are used in the hoc neuronal models.
Python script that generates theta-filtered poisson inputs.
can take the values:
- pyramidal
- cck
- olm
- vipcr
- vipcck
Analysis script that analyzes the voltage traces of the single presynaptic spike simulation.
Script that analyses the outputs from {interneuron_name}_synapses.py
Analysis script that analyzes the voltage traces of the poisson inputs simulation.
Analysis script that analyzes the voltage traces of the single cell experiment.
Script that simulates the canonical circuit. Stimulation of all EC at t=700ms.
Script that simulates the canonical circuit. Stimulation of all EC with theta-filtered poisson inputs.
Transform the output in csv files to import them on GraphPad.
Classes of all neuronal models used here.
Plot functions and NEURON initialization function.
Plotting of poisson input experiments.
Somatic firing and ISI for the poisson input experiment.
Function that calculate all synaptic metrics, such as rise time and decay time.
Author: Spiros Chavlis, PhD (schavlis [AT] imbb [DOT] forth [DOT] gr)