- Use a Framework to build the backend. (Django)
- Store the score of a tournament in the Blockchain. (Opsiyonel)
- Standard user management, authentication, users across tournaments.
- Implementing a remote authentication.
- Remote players
- Multiplayers (more than 2 in the same game).
- Add Another Game with User History and Matchmaking.
- Live chat.
- Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and JWT.
- Use of advanced 3D techniques.
- Replacing Basic Pong with Server-Side Pong and Imple-menting an API.
- Use a framework or a toolkit to build the frontend
- Use a database for the backend. (Posgresql)
- Game Customization Options.
- User and Game Stats Dashboards
- Expanding Browser Compatibility.
- Multiple language supports.