[x] Being able to render shapes from obj files.
[] Being able to attach textures to rendered objects.
[x] Being able to attach scripts to rendered objects.
[] Being able to parse all wavefront (i'm using pywavefront to parse them but the module can't parse all of them).
[x] Being able to create scenes to display multiples objects and attach scripts in a simpler way (without an extra python file:
currently using yaml).
[] Create a extra script to help making scenes. like an object manager in wich you could load your scene and specify wich object has wich script without hand writing everything in the yaml file (even if it's faster to wrtite by hand)
This project isn't meant to have the best project structure I intentionnaly left examples in "scenes", "objectFiles" an "scripts" directory because it's better than having an empty folder since this is only for learning purpose anyway.