1.List installed modules: sort by module id(case insensitive) or sort by module name
2.Add a debug option to enable geek mode, it will disable a lot of unnecessary "operational success" dialog in this tool
3.Add an option to uninstall Magisk(include latest Magisk-uninstaller package)
4.Add an option to manage Root rights
5.Remove some residual options from v1.9
6.Some UI & text adjustments
7.Code clean
Some new features are only tested on Magisk v19.0 and may not be compatible with older versions.
If there is an incompatibility issue, please send me feedback or submit issues.
Note: Files whose names begin with “CH_” are in Simplified Chinese, and the other is in English.
1.可选模块列表按模块 ID 排序(忽略大小写)或按模块名称排序
2.添加"Geek 模式"调试选项 开启后可禁用本工具内大量不必要的"操作成功"提示框
3.添加"卸载 Magisk"选项(内置当前最新版本的 Magisk 卸载卡刷包)
4.添加"Root 权限管理"
6.调整部分 UI 和文本
一些新功能只在 Magisk v19.0 上测试通过 可能不向下兼容旧版本的 Magisk
如果你发现存在不兼容问题 请向我反馈或提交issues
注: 文件名以CH_开头的为简体中文版本 另一个为英文版本