This project aims to integrate Awesome chocolates data from MySQL database into Power BI for insightful visualizations and analysis.
To find shipments where amounts are greater than 100 and less than 2000 for each salesperson in 2022
{select p.Salesperson, Amount, SaleDate, Boxes, month(SaleDate) as 'Month' from sales s left join people p on p.SPID=s.SPID where year(SaleDate) = 2022 and Amount between 100 and 2000;}
{select year(SaleDate) Year, month(SaleDate) Month, count(*) as Above1000 from sales where Boxes>=1000 group by year(SaleDate), month(SaleDate) order by Year, Month desc;}
{select Amount, SaleDate, Boxes, month(SaleDate) as 'Month' from sales where year(SaleDate) = 2022 and month(SaleDate)=1;}