This project contains hardware schematics and software for building a device that is able to decode and encode the SNES controller protocol on the fly.
- Save stream of pressed buttons into a replay file
- Play back replay files saved this way
- Play back replay files from external sources
Hardware is based on the Arduino Uno in combination with some simple electronic parts.
The Arduino code is located in the folder arduino_code. The project is based on platformio and was developed for the Arduino Uno (although most other models should also work).
The client code is located in the folder client_code. The project is based on C# / .NET / Microsoft Visual Studio.
- A summary of resources I used for this project can be found in resources.
- Hardware schematics (based on Eagle) can be found in schematics.
- Some logic captures that help to illustrate the SNES controller protocol (based on Saleae Logic) can be found in logic_captures.
MIT, see LICENSE file.