One Universal assembly language to rule them all.
A register is a location that can store values of a certain type. Registers are defined and bounded to the context of a single function. The first assignment of the register to a value (possibly, as a function parameter) defines the register type, and the type of the register cannot be changed afterwards. A register type can be any valid type, and the size of the register (in bits) is unbounded.
Unlike in other, machine specific, assembly languages, the number of available
registers are not bounded by USM, and their names can be any sequence of non
whitespace1 unicode characters, prefixed by %
Registers are not necessarily stored in memory, and thus can't be directly dereferenced.
Each value in USM has a distinct type. A type name is prefixed with $
For any strictly positive integer n
, there exists a builtin standard integer
type named $<n>
where <n>
is the decimal representation of n
. The $<n>
type is a n
bit integer. USM does not distinguish between the signed and
unsigned values.
%boolean = $1
%integer = $32
The *
descriptor represents a pointer. *<n>
is a nested pointer (pointer of
a pointer of a...) exactly n
times, where <n>
is the decimal representation
of a strictly positive integer. If n
is not specified, it is assumed that
Similarly, the ^
descriptor represents an array. ^<n>
is an array of size
, where <n>
is the decimal representation of a strictly positive integer
Descriptors are applied from left to right, in order. e.g. $8 ^100 *
is a
pointer to an array of 100 bytes, and $8 * ^100
is an array of 100 pointers.
The number of descriptors si not bounded. e.g. $8 * ^100 *
is a pointer to an
array of pointers.
A custom type declaration begins with the top level token type
. Then, follows
the new type name, prefixed with $
and a non-digit character. After that comes
the {
token, and then follows a list of (possibly zero) a type fields.
A type field begins with a list of (possibly zero) field labels. A field label
is a label in the context of the type declaration only, and is prefixed with
Then, follows the underlying type, which is $
prefixed. Finally, there is a
list of (possibly zero) type descriptors, separated by (at least one)
The type definition is finally terminated by a }
type $void { }
type $bool { $1 }
type $str { $8 * }
type $person {
.name $str
.age $32
.isMale $bool
type $peopleArray { $person * ^100 }
The type definitions above will be used in examples throughout the specification.
If a type field contains the @
token, it is treaded as a function pointer. The
(possibly empty) type list before the @
token represents the function return
types, and the (possibly empty) type list after the @
token represents the
function parameter types.
type $voidOp { @ } ; no parameters, no returns
type $binaryOp { $32 @ $32 $32 } ; two parameters, one return
type $funcDescriptor {
.name $8*
.ptr $32 @ $32 $32
A function declaration always begins with the top level token func
. Then
follows a list of (possibly zero) return types, than the function global name
prefixed), and finally follows a list of (possibly zero) type and register
pairs for each parameter that the function accepts.
It is possible to declare a function without providing an implementation. In that case, the compiler should expect to find the implementation in another object file that should be eventually linked.
func $32 @add $32 %a $32 %b
An implementation can be provided be appending the {
token after the function
declaration (on the same line). Then, a list of at least one instruction is
expected, separated by at least one newline between them. The function
definition on the next }
token which is not part of an immediate definition
inside the function implementation. The }
token must be on a new line, and not
on an instruction line.
func $32 @add $32 %a $32 %b {
%c = add %a %b
ret %c
An instruction consists of (possibly zero) target registers, and an expression. The return types from an expression is always known, and should match the target register types. If some (possibly all) registers are appearing for the first time in function, their type should be inferred from the corresponding expression return type.
%a %b %c ... = ...
-----┬------ -----┬------
target(s) expression
Expression return values can be assigned to the epsilon register %
if the
corresponding value should be ignored. If the expression returns more values
than the amount of target registers n
, only the first n
values from the
expression are assigned to the target registers, and the rest of the values are
ignored. If the expression does not return any values, or all returned values
are ignored, the =
token should be emitted.
%q, %r = divmod $32 #7 $32 #3
%q, %r = divmod %a %b
; keep quotient, ignore reminder
%q % = divmod %a %b
%q = divmod %a %b
; ignore quotient, keep reminder
% %r = divmod %a %b
; ignore both
% % = divmod %a %b
% = divmod %a %b
divmod %a %b
There are two distinct expression types: an operator expression, and an immediate values expression.
An operator expression a operator name. It is an identifier which is not prefixed with a special character. Then, follows the arguments to the operation, which are operation specific, can can be immediate values, function labels, or registers. An operation with specific parameter types should return a deterministic set of (possibly zero) return types, which are then assigned to the corresponding target registers. Valid operators and their implementation are not part of this specification, and are implementation specific.
%a %b %c ... = dosomething %a %b $32 #1234 ...
-----┬------ -----┬----- ---------┬---------
target(s) operator specific params
In addition, a list of (at least one) type and immediate initialization pairs can be supplied as an expression to directly initialize the registers with immediate values.
%0 %1 = $person ... $32 ...
-----┬----- ---┬---
imm #0 imm #1
Immediate values are used to initialize registers and globals.
Initialize an integer value using the syntax #<n>
where <n>
is replaced with
a possibly negative integer, according to
Go's big.Int SetString syntax.
func @main {
%0 = $32 #-1337
%1 = $32 #4294967295
%2 = $64 #DEADBEEFh
%3 = $32 #-1234567o
%4 = $8 #100b
For convenience, an initialization of integers can be also done via a unicode
character. Using the syntax #'<c>'
, where <c>
is replaced by a unicode
character, the immediate value will be translated to the appropriate
unicode code point.
A pointer type can be only explicitly initialized to the zero immediate #0
to a global with the same type).
There are two types of globals
- Constants (
), which are not modifiable, and - Variables (
), which are modifiable.
It is possible to declare a global without initialization. In that case, the compiler should expect to find the reference to symbol in another object file that should be eventually linked.
var @author $person
const @author $32
Global initialization is done by initializing the global underlying standard types, in order of declaration of the global type. If the underlying type consists of a single type (an integer, or an alias to an integer), then initialization can be done by
provided after the declaration of the global and the =
If not all fields of the global are initialized (possibly, none), the uninitialized fields are implicitly initialized to zero.
const @authorAge $32 #1337
const @authorName $8 ^5 { #'A' #'l' #'o' #'n' }
; last cell is implicitly initialized to zero
var $person @author {
@authorAge ; .isMale is implicitly initialized to #0
Using type labels, it is possible to start initialize fields from a different starting position, and skip explicit initialization of fields to zero.
glob $person @author = ; the .name field is initialized to #0 implicitly.
.age @authorAge ; initialization is started from .age field
#1 ; and continues to the .isMale field
Note that it is possible to implicitly initialize all of the fields to #0
, but
simply appending the =
token after the global declaration.
glob $person @author =
If a type field is initialized more than once, the value of the whole structure is undefined (that is, including other fields).
LLVM is a fully fledge compiler backend, originally developed by Apple and used in the clang C/C++ compiler and the rust's compiler rustc.
QBE (Quick Backend) is a compiler backend that
aims to provide 70% of the performance of industrial optimizing compilers in 10% of the code
It's goal is very similar to USM's goal. It aims to be a hobby-scale, small backend. However, it still differs from USM:
- QBE is not type safe. It also lacks in it's custom type definition support.
- QBE is less flexible: it defines a very limited instruction set and only 4 basic types.
- QBE is not an assembler: it generates assembler textual code. It QBE slower, not self contained, and harder to port and use for cross compilation.
QBE's author, Quentin Carbonneaux, also maintains a list of Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers that seem to contain a good selection of practical articles and books.
MIR (Medium Internal Representation) is a lightweight IR backend, which mainly used to implement JITs.
It looks mature and decent in terms of generated code, and speed.
The Multi-Level Intermediate Representation (MLIR) Project is probably the most similar project to USM out there.
It is a compilation framework that defines a generic syntax, but does not define types or the instruction set ("dialects"), similar to USM. You can then define optimizations and transformations between dialects.
However, MLIR also has "non-goals" which do not align with USM:
We do not try to support low level machine code generation algorithms (like register allocation and instruction scheduling). They are a better fit for lower level optimizers (such as LLVM). Also, we do not intend MLIR to be a source language that end-users would themselves write kernels in (analogous to CUDA C++).
USM's goal it to do provide support for low level machine compilation, algorithms and optimizations. USM is also designed to resemble machine-specific assembly syntax, and end users (that are familiar with assembly programming) should be able to write USM code directly with no additional effort.
A unicode whitespace character is one that has the "WSpace=Y" property. For reference, see Go's unicode.IsSpace standard function. ↩