NOTE This project has been donated to camel-extras where it is called camel-jcifs This code is only still here to maintain support for users that use the redpill_linpro package names.
This project is a Samba Camel component build on top of JCIFS (
It was originally developed by Redpill Linpro AB and Helsingborgs stad as part of a integration project.
This component is licensed under the LGPL (
The unit testing is done by mocking out the jcifs library to be able to run automaticly.
There are some manuell integration tests (src/integrationtest) that are meant to be run with a a local CIFS server (Samba or MS Windows share). To run these copy camelsmb.prp.template to your home directory, rename it to camelsmb.prp" and edit to include correct details.
Martin Samuelsson [martin AT martsam DOT se]
Pontus Ullgren [ullgren gmail com]
Shaun Elliott