Python (3.9.0)
Julia (1.7.2)
Python Modules: requirements.txt
Julia Packages: Project.toml
: this folder contains the code and documentation to use the API Viaggiotreno and to parse the pdf files from ENAC. For a more in depth explanation of the code, click here.network_construction
: this folder contains the code and documentation for the network construction part of the pipeline. For a more in depth explanation of the code, click here.epidemics
: this folder contains the code and documentation for the epidemics part. The code can be run without the other parts, making sure you have dowloaded the small data from network_small_folder and installed the needed julia requirements. Note that although some part of the code are general, it assumes that the input network is a multiplex and it is designed to run simulations of the SIR model as explained in the paper.
License: MIT