"AgeingHRF" from https://github.com/RikHenson/AgeingHRF/
Derived data and matlab scripts for paper on effects of Age on HRF
The raw fMRI images are available on request from this website:
Specifically, select the "preproc_fMRI_DARTEL" images that have
been realigned, slice-time corrected and DARTEL normalised
(see above website for more details).
Note these are large files, and include images from two other
runs (Rest and Movie) that you can delete.
Some "derived" data available in folders of this repository:
"Onsets" (BIDS events files)
"Confounds" (realignment parameters and CSF/WM timeseries)
"ROI_data" (some mask images, example SPM.mat file, external
measurements like MEG, updated canonical HRF)
(some files in these folders need unzipping once downloaded - see README.txt within each folder).
You need Matlab installed (www.mathworks.com; the present scripts used MATLAB Version (R2020b) Update 1), and then download SPM12 freeware (present scripts used version r7771) from:
You'll also need the repository folder "Matlab_Utils" higher in the matlab path (using "addpath" after starting SPM in Matlab) because it contains some minor but important changes to SPM12 functions (as well as some other functions used in Matlab scripts below).
Finally, for HDM fitting, you'll need the "HDM-toolbox" from
The file "participants.csv" in root folder has ID & Age of each participant.
The Matlab scripts from raw data to figures in paper are:
s1_fit_SPM_FIR.m - fit individual participant SPM FIR models to raw
fMRI images, and estimate a group GLM
s2_get_VOI.m - extract timeseries for each ROI
s3_fit_hdm.m - fit the HDM and apply PEB+BMR
s4_refit_ROIs.m - create CSV files with parameters and fits from each
model in the paper
s5_produce_figures.m - create TIF files for majority of figures in
paper (excluding schematics)
For the mediation analyses in s5_produce_figures.m, you'll also need to download the Matlab mediation toolbox from https://github.com/canlab/MediationToolbox, which uses some utility functions that you can download from https://github.com/canlab/CanlabCore
The folder "ManualGraphics" contains schematic figures created by hand.
For users without Matlab, some additional derived gzipped CSV files with fMRI timeseries and model parameters for each of 4 ROIs described in the paper are in the repository folder "ROI_data".
[email protected] Revised Jan 2024
with thanks to Wiktor Olszowy for careful code checking and improvements, and Peter Zeidman, Kamen Tsvetanov and Pranay Yadav (and Wiktor again) for conceptual help with the accompanying paper.