Snakemake pipeline for Upstream processing of scRNA-seq libraries generated by a customized Smartseq2/STRTseq hybrid protocol - from fastq to count table.
This pipeline is based on Snakemake
, a python-based workflow management system for bioinformatics analysis. To install snakemake, follow the tutorial from the official documentation of Snakemake
We highly recommend installing conda
for environment management.
Also, mamba
is recommended by the Snakemake
document for the installation of Snakemake
After installing snakemake
, you may decide whether you'd like to use the Integrated Package Management
feature of Snakemake.
If your decision is yes (recommended for beginners), you can skip the rest of this section. All you have to do is activate the --use-conda
flag everytime you invoke the snakemake
command for pipeline run. Snakemake
will automatically build new environments (workflow/envs/master.yaml
) for you.
For advanced users, if you decide to build everything yourself, install the following additional packages:
umi_tools (>=1.1.2)
STAR (>=2.5.4)
subread (>=1.6.3)
sambamba (>=0.8.0)
seaborn (=0.11.2)
To use the pipeline, install git
and clone the repo to your local computer.
git clone
We recommend that the first-time users always perform an example run before proceeding to subsequent steps. The example run serves as a check, to help you make sure that everything is set up properly.
For the Example run, refer to the Example run markdown.
Once everything is setup, prepare your own real data that will be analyzed.
In the config/
directory, edit the sample_table.csv
and config.yaml
files. These will be used by the pipeline to locate your data and setup the file structure. Make sure to specify in config.yaml
the correct genome index, barcode-ground-truth list and gtf annotations. You can use the config/sample_table_example.csv
and config/config_example.yaml
as a templates to guide your through this step.
You may configure whether RNA velocity pipeline should be performed by specifying RNA_velocity: True/False
We highly recommend the users take a close look at the file structure generated from the example run (sub-folders in workflow/data
For each library, we use a dedicated folder to hold the R1
and R2
fastq read pairs.
For better file structure management, we recommend to put raw fastq files (fastqs/
), intermediate files (alignments/
), logs (logs/
), and aggregated final results (outs/
) in dedicated locations in your harddisk, and construct symbolic links between your data/
directory and these inputs and outputs (see repo structure below).
Depending on your system specifications, you may also need to manually edit some parameters in the pipeline to make it work (i.e. pipeline.smk
). ## TODO: Update details, integrate into config.yaml
Once you're finished with the preparations above, you should be ready to run the pipeline. Activate a shell prompt, change to main directory (i.e. ScRNAseq_smkpipe_at_Luolab/
) and execute the following command to start a dry run:
snakemake -n
It is highly recommended to perform a dry run everytime before you make an actual run of the pipeline, because it tells you if there's a bug/error/mistake in your preparation steps.
If the dry run is successful, execute the following command to make an actual run:
snakemake --cores 16 --use-conda
Replace the 16
with the number of CPU cores you wish to use.
Note that the command above uses the Integrated Package Management
feature of Snakemake, thus on the first run, it will take some time for Snakemake to setup a new environment.
If you prefer to use an environment built by yourself, just drop the --use-conda
snakemake --cores 16
In order to generate report
for your job, you have to switch the pipeline to another git
branch called report
Under the main directory of the pipeline, activate a shell prompt and fetch the branch from remote:
git branch report
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/report report
git checkout report
git pull
Invoke snakemake
with --report
tag to generate the report. For demonstration purposes, we generate a report for the Example run dataset.
snakemake --report report.html --configfile config/config_example.yaml
You should see a report.html
output in your current working directory.
To avoid misunderstanding from the users, a clarification should be made: the scRNA-seq protocol used in Luolab, for which this repo is design for, is NOT entirely the same as the standard Smartseq2 protocol described in Picelli et al. (2013).
The protocol was modified in a way that resembles a hybrid of Smartseq2 and STRTseq (Islam et al., 2011). A major distinction between the Smartseq2 and our method is that in the standard Smartseq2, one library stands for one cell; whereas in our method, 48 cells are multiplex in a single library, and later demultiplexed by cell barcodes. One advantage of this strategy is that it can alleviate the high manual labors involved in the standard Smartseq2 protocol.
We have modified the nomenclature used in this repo to avoid misconceptions (i.e. direct reference to Smartseq2 changed to Smartseq2/STRTseq hybrid).
When executing the pipeline, depending on the system's hardware, one may receive the following error:
exiting because of OUTPUT FILE error: could not create output file SampleName-STARtmp//BAMsort/... SOLUTION: check that the path exists and you have write permission for this file. Also check ulimit -n and increase it to allow more open files.
This is because STAR creates lots of temporary files during its the run and has reached the file creation limit set by the system. A simple workaround is to set the
rule STAR: (# Step 4-1: Map reads)
to lower values, i.e. 32->16. -
Within a particular project, we recommended that the user keep the STAR version unchanged and use it throughout the whole course of the project as new data comes in. This is because genomes generated by different versions of STARs are incompatible with each other. For example, an alignment job run by STAR v2.7.9 will not accept a genome index generated by STAR v2.6.1.
The structure of this repository is largely inspired by the template defined in snakmake docs.
├── .gitignore
├── workflow
| ├── data
| | ├── User1
| │ │ ├── Project1
| │ │ │ ├── fastqs
| │ │ │ ├── alignments
| │ │ │ ├── outs
| │ │ │ ├── miscs
| │ │ │ └── logs
| │ │ └── Project2
| | └── User2
│ ├── rules
| │ ├── common.smk
| │ └── pipeline.smk
│ ├── envs
| │ ├── tool1.yaml
| │ └── tool2.yaml
│ ├── scripts
| │ ├──
| │ └── script2.R
│ ├── notebooks
| │ ├──
| │ └── notebook2.r.ipynb
│ ├── report
| │ ├── plot1.rst
| │ └── plot2.rst
| └── Snakefile
└── config
├── config.yaml
└── sample_table.tsv
We adopt a comprehensive pipeline described in the umi_tools documentation. Some custom modification were made to the original pipeline (i.e. multi-threading, parallel processing, STAR "shared memory" modules) for speed boost. Several other minor modification were made in order to accomodate for the modified chemistry and to improve the performance of the pipeline (i.e. better alignment quality).
# Step 1: Identify correct cell barcodes (umi_tools whitelist)
umi_tools whitelist --bc-pattern=CCCCCCCCNNNNNNNN \
--log=LIBRARY_whitelist.log \
--set-cell-number=100 \
--plot-prefix=LIBRARY \
--stdin=LIBRARY_R2.fq.gz \ ## R1 and R2 are swapped b.c. we customized our protocol
# Step 2: Wash whitelist
(implemented by scripts/
# Step 3: Extract barcodes and UMIs and add to read names
umi_tools extract --bc-pattern=CCCCCCCCNNNNNNNN \
--log=extract.log \
--stdin=LIBRARY_R2.fq.gz \
--read2-in=LIBRARY_R1.fq.gz \
--stdout=LIBRARY_extracted.fq.gz \
--read2-stdout \
--filter-cell-barcode \
--error-correct-cell \
# Step 4-0: Generate genome index
STAR --runThreadN 32 \
--runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir /path/to/genome/index \
--genomeFastaFiles /path/to/genome/fastas \
--sjdbGTFfile /path/to/gtf \
--sjdbOverhang 149
# Step 4-1: Load genome index to memory
STAR --runThreadN 32 \
--genomeLoad LoadAndExit \
--genomeDir /path/to/genome/index \
--outSAMmode None
# Step 4-2: Map reads
STAR --runThreadN 32 \
--genomeLoad LoadAndKeep \
--genomeDir /path/to/genome/index \
--readFilesIn LIBRARY_extracted.fq.gz \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--outFilterMultimapNmax 1 \
--outFilterType BySJout \
--outSAMstrandField intronMotif \
--outFilterIntronMotifs RemoveNoncanonical \
--outFilterMismatchNmax 6 \
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--outSAMunmapped Within \
--outFileNamePrefix LIBRARY_
# Step 4-3: Unload STAR genome
STAR --genomeLoad Remove \
--genomeDir /path/to/genome/index
# Step 5: Assign reads to genes
featureCounts -s 1 \
-a annotation.gtf \
-o LIBRARY_gene_assigned \
-R BAM LIBRARY_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam \
-T 32
# Step 6: Sort and index BAM
sambamba sort -t 32 -m 64G \
-o LIBRARY_assigned_sorted.bam \
# (Optional if rna_velo=True) Step 7-1: Parse CB UB tag
scripts/ < LIBRARY_assigned_sorted.bam > LIBRARY_tagged.bam
# Step 7-2: Create pre-sorted BAM for velocyto
samtools sort -@ 32 \
-t CB \
-O BAM \
-o cellsorted_LIBRARY_tagged.bam \
# Step 7-3: Generate velocyto loom file
velocyto run -o . -e LIBRARY_velocyto LIBRARY_tagged.bam /path/to/gtf
# Step 7-4: Aggregate velocyto looms
import loompy
# Step 8: Count UMIs per gene per cell
umi_tools count --per-gene \
--per-cell \
--gene-tag=XT \
--log={log} \
--stdin=LIBRARY_assigned_sorted.bam \
# Step 9: Append suffix to cells
(implemented by scripts/
# Step 10: Aggregate counts
zcat LIBRARY1_counts.tsv.gz LIBRARY2_counts.tsv.gz ... | gzip > outs/PROJECT_counts_all.tsv.gz
An abstracted workflow is illustrated in the graph below:
A large portion of this pipeline is inspired by rna-seq-star-deseq2.