Mirador Multi user is a project that aims to create a multi-user environment for the Mirador 4 viewer.
https://mirador-multi-user.tetras-libre.fr/. Contributions, issues report and feedback are welcomed.
If you want custom demo (like specific Mirador plugins or config) please contact us at [email protected]
- Multi-user environment
- User management
- Media management
- Collection management
git clone [email protected]:SCENE-CE/mirador-multi-user.git
cd mirador-multi-user
cp .env.dev.sample .env
nvm use
cd backend
npm install
cd ../frontend
npm install
cd ..
docker-compose up --build
In an other terminal, run following commands to generate the database
docker-compose exec backend npm run typeorm:generate-migration --name=db-init
docker-compose exec backend npm run typeorm migration:run -- -d ./src/config/dataSource.ts
Now you can access :
frontend to http://localhost:4000
backend to http://localhost:3000
backend API documentation to http://localhost:3000/api
Database to
For DBeaver or other DB client -
Caddy to http://localhost:9000
git clone [email protected]:SCENE-CE/mirador-multi-user.git
cd mirador-multi-user
cp .env.prod.sample .env
You must set the JWT_SECRET and the DB_PASSWORD in the .env file.
docker-compose up --build
In an other terminal, run following commands to generate the database
docker-compose exec backend npm run typeorm:generate-migration --name=db-init
docker-compose exec backend npm run typeorm migration:run -- -d ./src/config/dataSource.ts
- Tetras Libre SARL (https://tetraslibre.com)
- [email protected]