Observer tools for the FLOWS pipeline. Contains python packages, scripts, and notebooks for the following tasks:
- Pointing, OB generation helper with VLT HAWK-I, finder chart maker.
- Image cutouts
- Template subtraction
- Fixing fits image headers of multi-extension fits files
- Hubble Diagrams
- Lightcurve fitting of Type Ia SN lightcurves
- flows_get_brightest: The VLT HAWK-I pointing script that will create a finding chart for HAWK-I
H-band images given a flows target, and optional rotation (position angle) and telescope offsets.
to query objects. Optionally plots a finding chart. Easily extensible to use with other instruments.
pip install flows_get_brightest
NOTE: Installation requires python >= 3.10
due to tendrils
Installs a user script get_brightest
that can be run from the command line.
get_brightest --help
pip install flows_get_brightest[test]
pytest -v --cov
mypy flows_get_brightest/ typings/tendrils/ --config-file=pyproject.toml --check-untyped-defs
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=120 --statistics --extend-ignore=F821 --exclude .git,.idea,.mypy_cache,Notebooks/
black --check --verbose flows_get_brightest/
Note: user script only tested to work on Linux and Mac OS.
- A script for fixing LCOGT headers not preserved by other scripts such as imagematch.
- A flexible script for making image cutouts while preserving original headers and extension and applying the same cutout to all image extensions present in the fits file.
- Subtraction.ipynb Example notebook for doing manual subtractions following @sholmbo's method.
- image_cutout.ipynb Example notebook that was the inspiration for
- hubble diagram notebook.
- lightcurve fitting notebook.