Tool to track events like click or change and, if a tag is present on the element dispatch a link event to tealium.
This tool is meant to be used with the @s-ui/html-tagger tool but you can define your own tags and it will work asswell.
To use it require it from the desired file as this:
you can use it in a ES6 way too:
import { tealiumTracker } from '@s-ui/tealium-tracker'
The package will:
This will add a document listener watching for:
change event
Once we click on any 'A', 'BUTTON', 'DIV', 'INPUT', 'SVG'
the listener callback will act and check if we or any of our parents with that whitelisted types have the tag data-tealium-tag
If the tag exists it will call a throttle function that will call function. If there's no utag present on the site the package will warn you with a console message.
require('@s-ui/tealium-tracker').tealiumTracker({ customEventName: 'MyCustomEventName' })
you can do it in a ES6 way:
import { tealiumTracker } from '@s-ui/tealium-tracker'
tealiumTracker({ customEventName: 'MyCustomEventName' })
The package will:
This will add a document listener watching for:
change event
Once we click on any 'A', 'BUTTON', 'DIV', 'INPUT', 'SVG'
the listener callback will act and check if we or any of our parents with that whitelisted types have the tag data-tealium-tag
If the tag exists it will call a throttle function that will call function. If there's no utag present on the site the package will warn you with a console message.
For retro-compatibility reasons we populate this function to the window so the sites could dispatch their own custom event without problem.
window.dispatchCustomEvent = (detail) => dispatchEvent({ eventName: this.customEventName, detail })
Some trackers like xiti inject an image in our site with the purpose of do the track effective. If we made a native redirection we could fall on image load cancelations due the redirection of the page. To avoid that you can init the tracker in a anchorDelay mode that will add the anchor as a callback of our link call and delay the location.reload for ensure purposes.
require('@s-ui/tealium-tracker')({ handleAnchorDelay: true })
you can do it in an ES6 way:
import { tealiumTracker } from '@s-ui/tealium-tracker'
tealiumTracker({ handleAnchorDelay: true })
You can use it both with the custom event
require('@s-ui/tealium-tracker')({ handleAnchorDelay: true, customEventName: 'MyCustomEventName' })
you can do it in an ES6 way:
import { tealiumTracker } from '@s-ui/tealium-tracker'
tealiumTracker({ handleAnchorDelay: true, customEventName: 'MyCustomEventName' })