Replica of the fractal obtained from the Fibonacci word.
The Fibonacci word is a special sequence of binary digits, that can be determined using the line of slope 1/φ (φ being the golden ratio [phi approx. = 1.618]).
Using the given binary sequence, we can establish a fractal with the help of a list of rules and the OEDR:
For each digit at position k:
If the digit is equaled to 0, draw a line/segment forward (in the direction it's currently facing).
If the digit is equaled to 0, turn left 90° if k is even or right 90° if k is odd.
This program is still currently being developed on, and will receive updates in the near future.
[Space] -> Reset simulation
[Escape] -> Exit
A "requirements" text file is provided within the repository.
To install the necessary library(ies) to run the script:
1- Open CMD or GitBash
2- Change the current directory to the project path (cd path\to\project)
3- Install the library(ies) from the "requirements.txt" file using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Developed by: SammygoodTunes
Library(ies) used: Pygame 2.0.1, PyAutoGUI 0.9.52