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OnlineBookStore Website Using Java

**This Website is built for following purpose:-** - For Selling books online. - Maintaining books selling history. - Adding and managing books. - User Friendly. - For Implemention of Generic Servlets in Java. - This is a Mini-project developed using Java, Jdbc, And Generic Servlets.

Admin Have Following Access for this online store site:

  • Add New Books.
  • View Books Available.
  • Remove Books.
  • Increase Books Amount.

Users Have Following Access for this online store site:-

  • Create New Account or Register.
  • Login.
  • View Available Books.
  • Select Books to Buy.
  • Select Books Quantity.
  • Buy Books.
  • Get Payment Receipt.

Technologies used:-

  1. Front-End Development:
  • Html.
  • Css.
  • Javascript.
  1. Back-End Development
  • Java [JDK 8+]
  • JDBC
  • Servlet
  • MySQL
  • Apache Maven
  1. Database used.
  • MySql

==== Software And Tools Required ====

  • MySQL
  • Eclipse [Enterprise Edition]
  • Java [JDK 8+]
  • Tomcat v8.0+
  • Apache Maven

Note:- This is a Sample Project, So we have used only Generic Servlet and not taken care for Security.

=============== Dummy Database Initialization =====================

STEP 1: Open MySQL Command Prompt or MySQL Workbench

STEP 2: Login to the administrator user as : mysql -u <username> -p (Enter Password if asked)

STEP 3 :Copy paste the following MySql Commands:

create database onlinebookstore;

use onlinebookstore;

create table books(barcode varchar(100) primary key, name varchar(100), author varchar(100), price int, quantity int);

create table users(username varchar(100) primary key,password varchar(100), firstname varchar(100),
    lastname varchar(100),address text, phone varchar(100),mailid varchar(100),usertype int);

insert into books values('10101','C','James',500,5);
insert into books values('10102','Java','Scott ',150,13);
insert into books values('10103','Database','Charles',124,360);
insert into users values('User','Password','First','User','My Home','42502216225','[email protected]',2);
insert into users values('Admin','Admin','Mr.','Admin','Haldia WB','9584552224521','[email protected]',1);
insert into users values('mgmg','mgmg','Mgmg','u','high','1236547089','[email protected]',2);


======== Importing and Running The Project Through Eclipse EE ===========

Step 0: Open Eclipse Enterprise Edition. [Install, if not already installed.]

Step 1: Click On File > Import > Git > Projects From Git > Clone Uri > Paste The Repository Url as:> Select J2EE Branch > Next > Next > Finish

Step 2: Go inside OnlineBookStore > constants > and update the value of USER_NAME and PASSWORD according to your installed mysql admin user credentials

Step 3: [Only If Tomcat Server is not configured in Eclipse] : Right Click On Project > Run As > Run On Server > Select Tomcat V8.0 > (Select Tomcat V8.0 Installation Location If Asked) Next > Add onlinebookstore > Finish

Step 4: In The Server Tab > Double Click On Tomcat Server > Ports > Change The Port Number For Http/1.1 To 8080 > Close And Save

Step 5: Right Click On Project > Run As > Run On Server > Select Tomcat v8.0 > Next > Add All> Done

Step 6: Check Running The Site At http://localhost:8080/onlinebookstore/

Step 7: Default Username And Password For Admin Is "Admin" And "Admin"

Step 8: Default Username And Password For User Is "MgMg" And "MgMg".

"Suggestions and project Improvements are Invited!"

Thanks a lot


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