R code associated with the publication Bassing, S. B., L. Satterfield, T. R. Ganz, M. DeVivo, B. N. Kertson, T. Roussin, A. J. Wirsing, and B. Gardner. 2024. Predator-prey space-use and landscape features influence animal movement behaviors in a large-mammal community. Ecology.
This repository archives the code used for analyses described in the manuscript. Data already formatted for resource selection and movement analyses are archived with Dryad at https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.kh1893292. Raw data (coordinates of GPS-collar relocations) are considered sensitive and not publicly available. Please contact the Wildlife Chief Scientist of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at (360) 902-2515 if you are interested in these data.
Species codes:
coug, COUG = Cougar
elk, ELK = Elk
md, MD = Mule deer
wtd, WTD = White-tailed deer
wolf, WOLF = Wolf
Study area codes:
NE = Northeast
OK = Okanogan
Season codes:
Summer18 = summer 2018
Winter1819 = winter 2018-2019
Summer19 = summer 2019
Winter1920 = winter 2019-2020
Summer20 = summer 2020
Winter2021 = winter 2020-2021
Year codes:
Year1 = 2018-2019
Year2 = 2019-2020
Year3 = 2020-2021
Covariate codes:
Elev: Elevation (m) of observation location
Slope: Slope (degrees) of terrain at observation location
RoadDen: Total road length/1 km-sq at observation location
Dist2Water: Distance (m) to nearest water
HumanMod: Percentage of human modification to the landscape
CanopyCover: Percentage of tree cover
Dist2Edge: Distance (m) to nearest forested to non-forested habitat edge
PercForestMix: Percentage of forested habitat within 250 m of observation location
PercXGrass: Percentage of xeric grassland habitat within 250 m of observation location
PercXShrub: Percentage of xeric shrubland habitat within 250 m of observation location
Landcover: Numerical value representing landcover classification from Cascadia Partner Forum TerrAdapt:Cascadia tool (30m resolution)
Landcover_type: Landcover classification label