This project is a web application designed to showcase my web programming skills. It includes various sections that show my experiences, skills and projects completed as part of my studies and professional activities.
This project was created for a portfolio as part of the Erasmus web programming assignment. It includes the following sections:
- About me: brief information about me, my education and professional experience.
- Skills: list of my technical and soft skills.
- Projects: description of the projects I have completed, including links to demos and source code.
- Contacts: form to contact me.
Steps to install and configure the project on your local machine.
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd Portfolio
Usage Instructions for starting the project and using it.
Launch of the project:
sh Copy code npm start The project will be available at http://localhost:3000.
Application navigation:
Home page: contains brief information about me. Skills: Listing my main skills. Projects: description and links to my projects. Contacts: form to contact me. Technologies List of technologies and libraries used in the project.
HTML CSS JavaScript
Author Information about me.
Name: Alfrabi Kuanyshov Email: [email protected]