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@tobidelbruck tobidelbruck released this 04 Feb 09:39
· 193 commits to master since this release

New features

  • Input frames can be generated by python module that is specified on command line, see for sample.
  • Video files output can be suppressed with --skip_video_files.
  • Write in place option --output_in_place added to save v2e output in same folder as source video.
  • The input can be either a single video file or a folder that contains a list of ordered image files. The user has to set --input_frame_rate manually when the video is presented as a folder.
  • Change package name from v2e to v2ecore so that it can be run systemwide.
  • Several new warnings and checks added for bad combination of --timestamp_resolution and --cutoff_hz in relation to IIR filtering.
  • Added --disable_slomo switch to completely disable frame interpolation when user generates the src frames at sufficient sample rate.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed option to specify both --auto_timestamp_resolution and --timestamp_resolution at same time, to limit maximum timestep for DVS events.
  • Fixed warning messages to warn users about bad combination of upsampling frame rate and lowpass filtering.
  • Fixed subtle timing problems with events that cause some skew for some videos that generate many events per frame.
  • Fixed the problem when initializing the first frame that causes a burst of leak events. Set the leak initial state accounting for random pixel ON thresholds.
  • Changed so that DVS parameter selection is by default None, so that user selections are not overridden. Added warning that such options will be overridden by using the --dvs_params option.
  • Set default 'noisy' shot noise rate to a more realistic 5Hz/pixel value.
  • Fixed (we hope) very subtle bug in generating ideal ON and OFF events where the ON events were not followed by OFF events for a moving white dot. This was caused by floating point roundoff that caused bits to disappear when adding and subtracting the threshold from the memorized log intensity frame, resulting in nonsymetrical output.
  • Changed lin_log function to include floating point rounding to 5 digits precision, to prevent subtle and hard to understand effects in synthetic input.