kb-hashing is a locality sensitive hashing tool for genetic sequence comparison in bioinformatics.
Use the following to compile kb-hashing:
cd src
g++ -o kbhashing kbhashing.cpp -std=c++11
We provide a data simulation program and corresponding script to generate simulated data. Use the following to compile it and run the script:
cd src
g++ -o seqsim seqsim.cpp -std=c++11
cd ../src/script
./simulation.sh n m
Here n
means the length of generated sequences and m
represents the number of pairs of sequence in each data set. The generated data will be under the folder data
. There will be six datasets in that folder with different error rate from 0.05 to 0.3.
For kbhashing, you use the following commands to run the program:
./src/kbhashing k b m l t < inputfile
Here all the parameters are introduced in our paper. The inputfile must be some pairs of sequences only consist of ACGT
. And each line should only has one sequence.
We also provide a script of pipeline to get the results in our paper. You need to generate the simulation data before running the pipeline.
cd ./script
./simulation.sh n m
./pipeline.sh k b m l t n m