The project aim is to find an optimal schedule of traffic lights - based on Hash Code 2021 (Online Qualifications)
In our first version (, we generate a random initial solution. Then, in a loop, we generate another random solution and compare it to the initial one. The best solution found is returned. A random solution has a random non-zero ( and bounded) value assigned to each of the streets for all intersections. The order of incoming streets is also random.
The second version ( implements Simulated Annealing. This sometimes is a very effective method, which doesn’t require a great number of evaluations, as opposed to genetic programming, for example. The main parts are the loop with time stopping criterion and a function generating a random neighbor.
- - contains definitions and implementations of classes (Intersection, Street, Car and TrafficProblem) as well as a function for initializing the TrafficProblem instance with the values from stdin
- - contains
- - contains the more advanced version
On Windows 11 we run scripts with (CMD):
type e.txt | python > solution.txt
(an example for e.txt, and redirection of stdout to solution.txt)
Kacper Dobek, Stanisław Hapke