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SinisterRectus edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 21 revisions

extends GuildChannel

Represents a voice channel in a Discord guild, where guild members can connect and communicate via voice chat.

Instances of this class should not be constructed by users.

Properties Inherited From GuildChannel

Name Type Description
category GuildCategoryChannel/nil The parent channel category that may contain this channel.
client Client A shortcut to the client object to which this container is visible.
createdAt number The Unix time in seconds at which this object was created by Discord. Additional decimal points may be present, though only the first 3 (milliseconds) should be considered accurate. Equivalent to Date.parseSnowflake(
guild Guild The guild in which this channel exists.
id string The Snowflake ID that can be used to identify the object. This is guaranteed to be unique except in cases where an object shares the ID of its parent.
mentionString string A string that, when included in a message content, may resolve as a link to a channel in the official Discord client.
name string The name of the channel. This should be between 2 and 100 characters in length.
parent Container/Client The parent object of to which this container is a child. For example, the parent of a role is the guild in which the role exists.
permissionOverwrites Cache An iterable cache of all overwrites that exist in this channel. To access an overwrite that may exist, but is not cached, use GuildChannel:getPermissionOverwriteFor.
position number The position of the channel, where 0 is the highest.
private boolean Whether the "everyone" role has permission to view this channel. In the Discord channel, private text channels are indicated with a lock icon and private voice channels are not visible.
timestamp string The date and time at which this object was created by Discord, represented as an ISO 8601 string plus microseconds when available. Equivalent to Date.fromSnowflake(
type number The channel type. See the channelType enumeration for a human-readable representation.


Name Type Description
bitrate number The channel's bitrate in bits per second (bps). This should be between 8000 and 96000 (or 128000 for partnered servers).
connectedMembers TableIterable An iterable of all users connected to the channel.
connection VoiceConnection/nil The VoiceConnection for this channel if one exists.
userLimit number The amount of users allowed to be in this channel. Users with moveMembers permission ignore this limit.

Methods Inherited From GuildChannel


Defines the behavior of the == operator. Allows containers to be directly compared according to their type and __hash return values.

Returns: boolean



Returns: string


Defines the behavior of the tostring function. All containers follow the format ClassName: hash.

Returns: string


Parameter Type Optional
payload table

Creates an invite to the channel. Optional payload fields are: max_age: number time in seconds until expiration, default = 86400 (24 hours), max_uses: number total number of uses allowed, default = 0 (unlimited), temporary: boolean whether the invite grants temporary membership, default = false, unique: boolean whether a unique code should be guaranteed, default = false

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: Invite


Permanently deletes the channel. This cannot be undone!

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Returns a unique Date object that represents when the object was created by Discord. Equivalent to Date.fromSnowflake(

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: Date


Returns a newly constructed cache of all invite objects for the channel. The cache and its objects are not automatically updated via gateway events. You must call this method again to get the updated objects.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: Cache


Parameter Type
obj Role/Member

Returns a permission overwrite object corresponding to the provided member or role object. If a cached overwrite is not found, an empty overwrite with zero-permissions is returned instead. Therefore, this can be used to create a new overwrite when one does not exist. Note that the member or role must exist in the same guild as the channel does.

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: PermissionOverwrite


Parameter Type
n number

Moves a channel down its list. The parameter n indicates how many spaces the channel should be moved, clamped to the lowest position, with a default of 1 if it is omitted. This will also normalize the positions of all channels.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
n number

Moves a channel up its list. The parameter n indicates how many spaces the channel should be moved, clamped to the highest position, with a default of 1 if it is omitted. This will also normalize the positions of all channels.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
id Channel-ID-Resolvable

Sets the channel's parent category.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
name string

Sets the channel's name. This must be between 2 and 100 characters in length.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean



Join this channel and form a connection to the Voice Gateway.

This method always makes a WebSocket request.

Returns: VoiceConnection


Leave this channel if there is an existing voice connection to it. Equivalent to GuildVoiceChannel.connection:close()

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
bitrate number

Sets the channel's audio bitrate in bits per second (bps). This must be between 8000 and 96000 (or 128000 for partnered servers). If nil is passed, the default is set, which is 64000.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
user_limit number

Sets the channel's user limit. This must be between 0 and 99 (where 0 is unlimited). If nil is passed, the default is set, which is 0.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean

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