Extremely simple examples for microvm, easily appliable to your configs
I only started playing around with microvms the day before making this repo, so im no expert.
This is a simplified snippet of my current homelab.
Most vm configs can be safely applied, host configurations are in ./nixos
Rebuilding is as easy as sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#Avalanche
This will apply the changes to the microvms as well since i implemented declarative deployment
Did you change some vm configuration? When rebuilding the host (#Avalanche) it may say the microvms didnt restart.
Restarting the microvms requires sudo microvm -Ru (microvm name)
For example, you can restart the Minecraft microvm after tweaking its configs and rebuilding the host with:
sudo microvm -Ru Minecraft
- Extra services like wireguard
- Minecraft vm better managed imperatively
Make a few notes on imperative configuration
Remove declarative deployment for minecraft
Better minecraft example to better reflect a real configuration
- Configuration cleanup
- Additional removal info
- Eventually programmed networking alternative
Not sure why but removal of microvms is iffy. These may help:
You can message me on discord: soikr