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Releases: Source2ZE/CS2Fixes


21 Dec 13:19
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v1.10.1 Pre-release

Due to incomplete SDK updates, this is a stopgap release for the 2024-12-19 CS2 update. Flashlight, ZR overlays, and many leader features had to be temporarily disabled.

Recommended to run cs2f_flashlight_enable 0 & cs2f_leader_enable 0 with this, but it won't crash if you don't.


16 Dec 06:53
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  • Added shuffling of player physics simulation order with cs2f_shuffle_player_physics_sim cvar (#318)
  • Lots of map system updates (#327)
    • Added custom cooldowns to maps
    • Added cooldown saving across server restarts/crashes
    • Cooldowns are now triggered by map end
    • Fixed first map not going on cooldown
    • Added minimum and maximum player requirements to maps
    • Added more details to unavailable maps in !nominate list
    • Fixed nomination resetting not working
    • Added changing map by ID with !map if admin already has console access, this still can't be fully allowed due to bad ID's triggering workshop download game crashes
    • Stopped displaying disabled maps in !nominate list
    • Fixed !setnextmap permanently breaking map votes
    • Added better feedback/behaviour to !setnextmap
    • Fixed RTV's not working for a bit when quickly enabled manually at map start
    • Added more detailed error messages to !nominate
    • Added multiple maps warning to !nominate, to fix discoverability of some maps with shared queries (e.g. "fapescape")
    • Fixed another injection possibility in !map
  • Added ButtonWatch with !bw command and cs2f_enable_button_watch cvar (#263)
    • Due to a missing solution for plugin detour conflicts, and CounterStrikeSharp detouring FireOutputInternal out of the box, this feature is not compatible with CS#
  • Added a custom knockback multiplier to zombie classes (#232)
  • Added knockback multipliers for hitgroups (#232)
    • Comes with a new configs/zr/hitgroups.cfg.example file that needs renaming to use
  • Silenced string conversion warnings in cases where non-numeric input is also expected
  • Fixed bugged active weapon if a grenade was thrown right before infection
  • Fixed knife skin not always matching loadout if different knives were equipped for each team
  • Fixed revived humans not having armour, obeys mp_free_armor
  • Added re-strip on revives, prevents ZM items lingering
  • Fixed zombie regen clamping health values above max health (fixes paramina ZM item HP, still recommended to set max_health to enable higher regen)
  • Stopped transmitting flashlights in spec, this was causing random rare "missing client entity" client crashes since some CS2 update
  • Added possible workaround for CS2 randomly spawning players with mega-velocity
  • Fixed a crash with @aim targeting
  • Updated extend tracking, so total extend count is now shown in !extendsleft
  • Removed !addextend, since it's redundant with !adminve existing (or adjusting cs2f_extends)


14 Nov 01:28
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  • Fix for the 2024-11-12 CS2 update, which should also improve stability for future CS2 updates
  • Added SetModel input (documentation) (#317)
  • Added Steam ID filtering for maps (documentation) (#317)
  • Buy system now prevents grenade purchases if player cannot carry it (#251)
  • Leader rework (#299)
    • cs2f_leader_can_target_players to control whether or not a leader can target other players with c_glow, c_beacon, c_tracer, and c_defend (wont affect admins)
    • Make c_glow, c_tracer, c_beacon, and c_defend target @me when used with no parameters or by a leader when cs2f_leader_can_target_players is false
    • Change extra c_glow parameter to color to match c_beacon and c_tracer
    • If all current leaders are zombies or spectators, allow CTs to ping again even when disabled
    • Allow admins to use all leader commands even when they aren't a leader
    • If someone is a CT with non-white playermodel color when made leader, use their playermodel color as their leader color
    • Give leaders access to c_leader for setting more leaders. cs2f_leader_max_leaders controls the max amount of leaders, while admins using c_leader can go above cs2f_leader_max_leaders
    • Make c_vl not work when it would make more than 1 leader if cs2f_leader_vote_multiple is false or if it would make more leaders than cs2f_leader_max_leaders
    • Make c_enablepings and c_disablepings for a leader to enable/disable teammate pings
    • Automatically apply beacon to a new leader (disabled glow and tracers) and reapply visuals leader had in previous round when a new round starts
    • Add c_beacons, c_glows, and c_tracers to check who has the respective visuals enabled
    • Give leaders +20000 score to show them at top of scoreboard
    • When a leader uses player_ping, add a particle around the ping. Particle is set by cs2f_leader_mark_particle
    • Make defend particle use cvar cs2f_leader_defend_particle instead of being hard coded
    • Disable c_vl immediately after a map change to give people a chance to join before the vote
  • Fixed spectators that used !spec activating triggers at round start (AKA "random entity breakage")
  • Added several new admin commands
    • !endround
    • !money
    • !health
    • !setpos
  • Added targeting support to !noclip


29 Oct 19:01
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  • Updated sigs for 28/10/2024 CS2 update.
  • Removed blast damage crash fix since Valve finally did it.
  • Added experimental toggle to disable subtick shooting, set using cs2f_disable_subtick_shooting. This will spam your console heavily so make sure you have log_flags Shooting +DoNotEcho in your server cfg.


24 Oct 04:57
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  • Added point_viewcontrol custom entity implementation (documentation) (#306)
  • Fixed a rare crash in movement processing hooks
  • Fixed infractions always being permanent (#315)
    • If you were using these, you may want to manually re-review permanent infractions stored in addons/cs2fixes/data/infractions.txt, the issue was initially introduced in v1.9
  • Fixed KeyValue filtername crash with wildcard matches (#316)


16 Oct 01:01
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  • Fixes for the 2024-10-15 CS2 update (#312)
  • Added cs2f_prevent_using_players cvar, which prevents players from taking +USE inputs (#305)
  • Fixed base classes not showing up in !zclass (#308)
  • Allowed zombies to pick up weapon_c4, for mappers to use (#309)
  • Added cs2f_fix_block_dmg cvar, to fix broken block damage after the Armory update (#311)


08 Oct 00:18
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  • Fixes for the 2024-10-02 CS2 update (#302)
  • Fixed default value returns in the user preferences system (#285)
  • Fixed extend votes not obeying cs2f_votemanager_enable cvar (#289)
  • Fixed chat commands not executing when triggered from binds (#270)
  • Added noblock for grenade projectiles via the cs2f_noblock_grenades cvar (#291)
  • Refactored the player targeting system, for full details see #231
  • Added immunity to admins, behaviour configurable with cs2f_admin_immunity cvar (#231)
  • Added the !getpos command (#231)
  • Added the !info command (#231)
  • Added the !showteam command (#231)
  • Added the !spec command (#295)
  • Added the !noshake command via the cs2f_noshake_enable cvar (#241)
  • Added a global shake strength clamp configurable with cs2f_maximum_shake_amplitude cvar (#241)
  • Fixed authentication breaking in some edge cases
  • Updated our patching system to support patch offsets (#301)
  • Removed the ZR player class auto-converter, by this point all servers should have had their KV configs auto-converted to JSON


23 Aug 03:32
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  • Fixed a rare crash in ClientPrint
  • Several changes to stabilize gamedata for future CS2 updates, also fixes Windows after recent CS2 updates


15 Aug 01:33
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  • Fixed some lingering issues from the 2024-08-08 CS2 update on Windows
  • Fixes for the 2024-08-14 CS2 update


09 Aug 19:24
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  • Fixes for the 2024-08-08 CS2 update