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Andrew McWilliams edited this page Oct 15, 2016 · 1 revision

Here are troubleshooting tips that have helped some people using the version 2 beta with a G5 transmitter.

First up, note that as mentioned here, if you have already been using a receiver with your transmitter, simply stop the sensor and leave the receiver on. Don't switch the receiver off.

If you are getting missed readings, try:

  • Go to the Status menu and select Forget Device and Restart Collector and then reboot the phone
  • If you have any "security" apps (e.g. Privacy Guard) make sure it isn't set to prevent xDrip from turning on/off bluetooth and pairing with bluetooth devices
  • Go to Application Manager and force stop xDrip, then clear it from Recent Apps, then start up fresh
  • Go to your bluetooth paired device list, and unpair the Dexcom. Re-pair it.
  • As described here, cycle through the settings, restarting your phone each time.